Advantages and disadvantages of apricots for dogs

There are various food and fruit in the world which some of them are harmful and some other are good for dogs. among them we can describe apricote. The Apricot is one of the most colourful and delicious summer fruits, and many people love it. But is this yellow and tasty fruit also useful for dogs? Can dogs eat apricots? Can my dog ​​be poisoned by eating this fruit? It’s interesting to know that some parts of apricots are harmless for dogs, but some are highly poisonous and dangerous! In this article, you will know which pieces of this summer fruit aren’t hazardous for dogs to eat and which parts are harmful to them. If your dog also loves colourful and juicy fruits, stay tuned to this article to talk more about it.

Can dogs eat apricots?

If we want to answer this question in one word, I must say yes and no! Because fruit flesh isn’t dangerous for them, they can eat it in moderation. But apricot kernels, stems and leaves are poisonous and dangerous for dogs. So if you have an apricot tree in your garden or yard, you should be careful that your dog doesn’t eat apricots; Because he may eat the fruit, kernels, leaves and stems and get into trouble. When buying this fruit, never leave its container available to the dog and give him the fruit only under your supervision.

How many apricots can I give my dog ​​a day?

There’re no specific rules and formulas for the number of apricots allowed for dogs, which largely depends on your dog’s size and body. For example, if your dog is large, you can give him a whole apricot without a core and in small pieces. But small breed dogs and puppies like Chihuahuas shouldn’t eat more than half an apricot a day. Of course, we emphasize again that the same half of the apricot should be without kernels and should be divided into tiny pieces. To make a better decision, it’s better to use the 10% rule. According to this law, dog treats shouldn’t make up more than 10% of the dog’s required calories, and apricots are one of these treats. The remaining 90% should be balanced from the diet and provided according to the dog’s nutritional needs.

What is the best diet for my dog?

90% of a dog’s daily calories and energy should be provided by the food we give him. Food plays a vital role in a dog’s health and longevity. Every dog ​​needs different food at every stage of his life. If you give your dog dry or canned food, use reputable and quality brands and never sacrifice quality for the price. But you have a better way: cooking and preparing homemade food for dogs. Homemade food is tastier, fresher, better quality and healthier; moreover, it’s more economical and cost-effective. But you should be aware that homemade dog food is only suitable for your dog if it’s prepared according to the veterinarian’s instructions. Dogs have different nutritional needs, and the composition of homemade foods should be balanced and formulated according to these needs. Balancing dog food combinations is a scientific and specialized job, and this is only within the competence of a veterinarian familiar with the science of dog nutrition. Small dogs like Chihuahuas shouldn’t eat more than half an apricot a day.

Benefits of apricots for dogs

One of the critical questions is whether is apricots suitable for dogs at all? Can eating it be beneficial for dogs? Apricot is a peach-like fruit but more minor, which may range in colour from yellow to orange, and has a sweet and juicy taste. This fruit is very nutritious, valuable and rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, copper, fibre and beta-carotene. If your dog loves the taste and smell of this fruit, you can give him small pieces as a treat. Of course, you have to provide a small number of apricots to the dog; Because this fruit contains high fibre and sugar, and if the dog eats a lot of it, due to high fibre, he may suffer from digestive problems such as diarrhoea and vomiting. Therefore, this fruit isn’t an excellent fruit like watermelon or cantaloupe, and you shouldn’t give it to your dog every day. Of course, fruits such as watermelon and cantaloupe, although in the summer, can be great food for dogs, but eating them also has particular points that you must observe to prevent digestive problems.

Apricot kernels

Like the kernels of most fruits, Apricot kernels contain small amounts of cyanide! When this kernel is chewed, cyanide toxin is released and absorbed by the dog’s digestive tract. The cyanide in an apricot kernel is too small to pose a danger to most dogs; Of course, this small amount can be dangerous and deadly for tiny dogs like Chihuahuas. But if a dog eats a lot of apricots with kernels, it can cause many health problems and even endanger his life. Swallowing a complete apricot kernel may cause suffocation and obstruction of the airways, and even if ingested, the kernels may block the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. Apricot kernel has almost no nutrients and is helpful for dogs. It’s better to keep all apricot kernels out of your dog’s reach to prevent further problems. Apricot leaf isn’t harmful to dogs, and you can give him in moderation.

Dried apricot

Dried apricots aren’t harmful to dogs, and you can give them in moderation. We said that the main danger of this fruit for dogs is the kernel, leaves and stems, and in the case of dried apricots, none of these is toxic. However, you should be careful that your dog doesn’t eat too many dried apricots because dried fruit has a smaller volume and size than a fresh one. Suppose a container of dried apricots is on the table and available to your dog. In that case, he can quickly eat a bunch of dried apricots together and then suffer from problems and various digestive diseases such as diarrhoea and vomiting.

Symptoms of dog poisoning 

If you notice that your dog has eaten apricot kernels, leaves and stems, you should know it. Be sure to inform your veterinarian if you notice any signs of poisoning. Poisoning by eating apricot kernels stems, and leaves usually occurs very quickly, about 15-20 minutes after consumption. Your dog may first show signs of excitement and hyperactivity and then suddenly develop shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat. He may even die if you don’t treat him in time. The cause of apricot poisoning for dogs is that cyanide in the core stems and leaves blocks the release of an enzyme that allows cells to carry oxygen throughout the dog’s body. As a result, the dog quickly develops hypoxia, difficulty breathing, and subsequent problems. These problems for dogs include dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, weakness and lethargy, shock and seizures.

Preventing dog poisoning

The first step is to train your dog correctly so that he doesn’t eat anything without your permission. Especially if you have an apricot tree in your garden or yard, you must train your dog when he’s a puppy and give him commands such as let go and teach him obedience to keep him away from the apricot tree. The next thing is never to own an apricot fruit basket on the table and available to dogs. The yellow smell and colour of this fruit are lovely to dogs, and they may be tempted for a while and eat a few fruits away from your eyes. Dried apricot is a delicious and healthy snack for people, and you may be accustomed to always having a dish full of dried fruits on the table. But to keep your dog healthy, it’s better not to leave apricot leaves available to the dog, and only with the supervision and in moderation, give him 1-2 dried fruits; no more!

To wrap up

Many of us love apricots and look forward to the summer and the season of these colourful and delicious fruits. Dogs may also want this fruit and like to swallow some ripe and juicy fruit completely! The apricot fruit isn’t harmful to dogs, and in moderation, you can give him one a day. But apricot kernels, leaves and stems are extremely dangerous and poisonous to dogs and shouldn’t be eaten. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have groomed your dogs carefully and accurately so that they count the moments for the next session.


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