Advantages and disadvantages of soy and walnuts for dogs

Soy is a rich source of vegetable protein and fibre in our various foods, But can dogs also eat soy? Is soy good or bad for dogs? And how can we give it to our dog if it is good? We all know that different nuts are excellent snacks, delicious, valuable and full of nutrients for the human. Is it good for dogs to eat walnuts? Are walnuts harmful to them? In this article, we will talk about using soy and walnuts for dogs. So stay tuned.

Can dogs eat soy?

Soybean is suitable for dogs, and you can use it in their diet. It has many properties for people, and soy in many foods, such as pasta, increases its protein value. Dogs can also eat soy, and many commercial dry foods use it. This food is harmless for dogs and has many properties and benefits for their health. Therefore, if you want to cook for your dog, you can use various forms of soy in the diet and other foods (soy flour, soybeans, tofu cheese, soy milk, etc.). But be aware that you must be careful about how much soy your dog consumes and don’t give him too much of it!

Preparing soy for dogs

Soybeans and vegetables

Soak soybean meal in boiling water for a few minutes, and rinse it. Then combine it with all kinds of cooked vegetables beneficial for dogs, such as carrots, green beans, potatoes, peas, etc. and give it to your dog. You can add a little corn or olive oil, or soybean oil to this delicious dish.

Mixing meat and soy

Pour the minced meat and soybeans mixture with a few spoons of rice and a third of carrots into boiling water and cook well for about 30-40 minutes. Then give it to your beloved dog as delicious, healthy, nutritious home food.

Pasta with soy

If you have pasta for lunch, you can make special soy pasta for your dog to eat with you. Of course, be careful to cook the pasta only in boiling water (without salt and oil), roast the soybeans after soaking for only a few minutes, and don’t add any spices or salt. You can use a variety of steamed or boiled vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, peas, spinach, potatoes, etc., to make pasta paste. Use it and prepare delicious and healthy pasta for your dog.

Benefits of soy for dogs

Soy is a rich source of vegetable protein for dogs, especially those allergic to animal protein. It’s easy to digest for most dogs, and if your dog has difficulty digesting other protein sources such as dairy, you can use soy instead. Some of its properties are:

  • Rich in vitamins and folic acid
  • Rich source of amino acids, especially lysine
  • Condensation of beneficial fatty acids
  • Cholesterol free
  • Good source of fibre and potassium
  • Easy digestion

Although some dogs may be allergic to soy, compared to other protein sources such as meat and dairy products, it’s less likely to cause allergies. For example, the nutritional value of a cup of cooked soy is as follows:

  • Protein                     28.6 grams
  • Calcium                   175 mg
  • Iron                          8.8 mg
  • Unsaturated fats      8.7 grams

How can soy be harmful to dogs?

Soy isn’t harmful to dogs, and they can digest it well; But in some cases, soy can become a problem for dogs and endanger their health.

High fibre

The first thing is that soy is very high in fibre. Excessive soy and fibre consumption in dogs can cause bloating, annoying flatulence and diarrhoea. So, if your dog is obese or prone to gaining weight, you should be more careful in consuming soy in his diet.

Dog sensitivity and allergy to soy

Another problem that soy can cause for your dogs is sensitivity and allergy. Some dogs may be allergic to soy and suffer health problems after eating it.

  • Digestive problems and indigestion
  • Weakness of the immune system
  • Heart disease
Symptoms of dog allergy to soy

The biggest problem that soy may cause for dogs is causing sensitivity and allergy. Of course, many dogs aren’t allergic to soy and can eat all types of its products without any problems. However, if you’re going to give soy to your beloved dog for the first time, you should know about soy allergy symptoms. Some of the symptoms of a dog allergy to soy include:

  • ear infection
  • diarrhoea
  • Vomit
  • Excessive body licking
  • Abnormal shedding

If you notice any of these symptoms after giving soy to your dog and the condition doesn’t improve with time, take him to the vet immediately. Then consult with the doctor about the possibility of your dog being allergic to soy.

Can dogs eat soy milk?

Drinking soy milk isn’t harmful to dogs. The only thing you should pay attention to is that soy milk has more calories than soybeans, and the possibility of a dog being allergic is also higher. Therefore, if your dog is prone to obesity and overweight, it’s better not to give him soy milk or very little (because some soy milk has added sugar to sweeten them). Even some soy milk labelled as “without sugar” is improved with the artificial sweetener xylitol, which is toxic and dangerous for dogs.

The dangers of walnuts for dogs

Many walnuts are infected with a specific type of black mould, which can be toxic to dogs. The high-quality walnuts sold in reputable stores may not be contaminated, but those you pick from the tree or the dog may find under the tree aren’t reliable.

On the other hand, walnut has a lot of moisture. Because of this, moulds can start to grow at any stage, from the time of harvest to entering the store or even after you buy it, whether in shelled or unshelled walnuts. Some of these moulds produce toxic substances called mycotoxins, which are carcinogenic, and some other mycotoxins cause seizures.

The healthy walnuts that don’t have mould aren’t toxic to dogs in small quantities. But in general, its very high-fat content can irritate the dog’s stomach and cause symptoms of stomach upset, including dog vomiting and diarrhoea. In addition to a high fat, prepared walnut kernels may have some additives such as salt or seasonings and other flavourings, which may be problematic for animals.

More serious problems 

In more severe cases, consuming walnuts for dogs can cause more serious problems such as pancreatitis or gastroenteritis. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that may be acute or chronic. Gastroenteritis also occurs when the digestive system (especially the stomach and intestines) becomes inflamed.

Another problem that may happen is intestinal obstruction. Walnut is one of the big nuts. In addition to being difficult for dogs to digest, it may cause intestinal obstruction, especially in smaller breeds. Immediate surgery is necessary. Otherwise, it can be fatal. If your dog has eaten walnuts with their skin, the possibility of intestinal obstruction is higher. We can boil the walnuts and then dry them thoroughly to remove mould, if there is any.

Are walnuts good for dogs?

Walnuts are beneficial, but unfortunately, the harm to dogs is more than the benefits. Even if it doesn’t have mould and poison, it has too much fat. Thirty grams of walnuts have more than 18 grams of fat. At the same time, an average dog weighing approximately 13-14 kilos shouldn’t consume more than about 14 grams of fat per day.

So what nuts should we buy for dogs instead of walnuts?

Veterinarians generally don’t recommend any kind of nuts for dogs, but peanuts, cashew and almonds are somewhat less harmful. All these nuts have nutrients like fibre and protein, but they can cause stomach upset or intestinal blockage in dogs. In addition, you should be very careful that the nuts you give him don’t have any flavouring (including salt). Also, there’s another type of nut called macadamia that you shouldn’t give to your dog because it’s 100% toxic for them.

To wrap up

Walnuts are very nutritious and helpful but aren’t suitable for dogs. Firstly, it has a lot of fat and irritates their digestive system; secondly, it may contain moulds that are not even visible but poisonous. Soy is also a rich source of vegetable protein for dogs. For those with allergic to animal protein, it’s an excellent alternative. In general, there’s no need to give our dog all kinds of food, and maybe even something that we think is tasty doesn’t have any particular attraction. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, movement, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs, so they count the moments for the next session.

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