02 Jul Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sunlight For Dogs
Just as humans need sunlight to be healthy and if they overdo it, problems will arise for them, the same is true for dogs. But sunlight has some advantages and disadvantages for them. In this article, we point out some points about sunlight for dogs. So, if you are a dog owner, do not miss this article. Stay tuned to the end of this article.
Sunlight for dogs and puppies
All dogs need sunlight so that they can supply their body with the desired vitamins and also warm their bodies under the sunlight, especially in winter. In such cases, prepare a shelter for him in the form of a shadow. Then leave him free to be in the sun alone and when he feels warm, he will go to the shade.
In general, sunlight cannot be dangerous for dogs. You can even see that dogs are much more energetic for walking on sunny days than on cloudy and rainy days. So sunlight can not cause any danger to your dog and can also keep your dog safe from many diseases.
Puppies have a weaker body than adult dogs and therefore sunlight can be somewhat harmful for them. When puppies are exposed to direct sunlight, their skin burns and they get heat stroke. So, for the puppies to be able to use the sunlight, it is better to be under the afternoon light so that it does not shine directly on them.
Sunscreen for dogs
One of the best things to do is to use sunscreen for dogs when they are in the sun. You can easily buy these creams from pet shops and prevent burns on the skin of your cute dogs.
Prevent sunburn
To prevent sunburn, you can do the following:
- Pay attention to the parts of your dog’s body that are exposed to sunlight, such as around the lips, ears, and nose. Apply sunscreen on the tips of his ears and his nose.
- Protect your furry friend. Dogs with lighter-coloured hair are more at risk of sunburn, just like humans with fairer skin.
- Keep your dog in the shade during peak heat hours (10 am to 4 pm).
- If your dog becomes redder than usual, take him to a vet.
Advantages of sunlight for dogs
Sunlight is rich in vitamins needed by dogs. Therefore, sunbathing should be included in their daily schedule. Sunlight destroys viruses and bacteria on the surface of dogs’ skin and is very beneficial for the health of their skin and hair. It also strengthens the dog’s bones. If your dog gets enough sun during the day, his bones will be more resistant to damage. But if the sunlight reaches the dog to a lesser extent, your dog may get bruised with a simple game and sometimes even have a broken bone. Here are other benefits of sunlight for dogs
Vitamin D
The most notable benefit is the absorption of vitamin D; because the sun is very necessary for the body and the dog to absorb it. This substance helps the dog to strengthen his immune system and reduces the risk of some diseases and injuries. In addition, its presence causes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, relieves stress and regulates cell growth. Ultraviolet rays, in contact with their fur and skin fat, turn into vitamin D3. So, dogs get this substance by licking their paws and other body parts.
Increases serotonin production
When a dog is exposed to sunlight, his body produces more serotonin, which can boost his mood and make him feel better. High levels of serotonin make dogs feel positive and energetic. Hence, dogs love to sunbathe.
Improve sleep
The sun stimulates the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating the sleep cycle. By separating it, the dog manages to increase the number of hours of rest and its quality.
Relieves joint pain
This issue is especially important in older dogs, whose bones are weaker, and in those suffering from rheumatic diseases, injuries and other complaints. So, the sun restores the skin and heals scars.
Amount of sunlight useful for dogs
At least half to one hour of sunlight per day is suitable and useful for dogs. Be sure to put a large bowl of water for him when he’s out in the sun so he can control his body temperature if he feels hot. Also, playing in the water under the sun is very attractive for dogs. It is better to consider days specifically for your dog to take him to parks or beaches to sunbathe. Just keep in mind not to be in the sun for a long time, use sunscreen and also don’t go out during the hours of direct sunlight to ensure your dog’s health in addition to sun exposure.
Disadvantages of sunlight for dogs
Just like humans, pets are exposed to the sun, and if they are overexposed or not equipped with the necessary equipment to prevent heatstroke, this issue can become a problem. A sunburned dog can peel, scaly, and feel pain. In severe cases, it may even lead to skin cancer!
Heat stroke
Heat stroke is the state of excessive increase in body temperature (rectal temperature from 40.5 to 43.3 degrees Celsius), which leads to abnormalities of the nervous system (such as lethargy, weakness, fainting, convulsions or coma). So your dog is not feeling well.
If the dog is in the sun too much, he will get heatstroke. For him, heat stroke is associated with shortness of breath and lethargy. Overheated dogs can suffer from heat exhaustion or sudden death from cardiac arrhythmias.
Watch out for these signs!
- Noisy breathing, which may indicate upper airway obstruction
- Excessive panting
- Bright red mucous membranes (e.g. gums, conjunctiva)
- Weakness
- Fainting
- Convulsions
- Coma
- High body temperature
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
If these symptoms occur, you should:
- Place a cool wet towel on your dog or take him to a cool water bath. Do not use ice as it may damage his skin.
- Check his body temperature rectally. The normal body temperature in dogs and cats is higher than in humans (38-39°C compared to 37°C).
- If your dog’s body temperature is over 105 degrees Fahrenheit, call your vet.
- Get your dog to the vet or emergency clinic as soon as possible.
Vitamin D deficiency
Muscles and nerves also need vitamin D for proper functioning. Inadequate levels of vitamin D can lead to congestive heart failure in dogs, as well as an increased risk of complications from heart disease and bone disorders such as osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and rickets (bone deformity).
Change in skin colour
Just as sunlight protects our skin from the sun, dark pigments are a protective reaction in dogs’ skin. Your dog’s skin can also darken in response to sunlight (especially if the dog gets sun on his underbelly!)
Getting sunburn
Also, too much exposure of the dog under the sun will cause sunburn on his skin. In some rare cases, dogs develop skin cancer which leads to their death.
- It’s important to keep your dog’s hair trimmed during the summer because it protects their skin.
- It is also important not to leave dogs in the sun for many hours because the risk of heatstroke threatens their health.
- Never leave your dog alone in your car, even with the windows open! The sun can turn your metal car into an oven very quickly. The temperature in your car can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of minutes, even if the air outside is balanced. Don’t cheer up yourself by parking your car in the shadows. Remember that the Earth is rotating, so what was in the shadows a few hours ago may now be in the sunlight.
- Do not force your dog to run in hot and humid weather after eating. Preferably use early mornings or cool evenings for it.
- Do not leave your dog in the sun or make him stand outside in hot weather. Minimize mid-day walks. Dogs sweat through their paw pads, so the longer they spend on hot pavement, the less able they are to cool down. And remember, he’s a lot closer to the hot asphalt than you are.
- Do not take your puppy to the beach unless you can find a cool place for him. Make sure you wash off the salt water from his body. Again, the hot sand affects to cool down him.
- Make sure your dog has a place to rest when they spend time outdoors.
- Always give him clean and cool water. Do not forget to control his water container so that it is not empty.
- Keep old and overweight dogs away from the heat of the sun. Wide-nosed dogs, especially breeds such as Bulldogs and Pekinese, and dogs with heart and lung disease, should be kept in air-conditioned homes as much as possible.
To wrap up
As the warmer seasons arrive, you should take extreme precautions to protect your dog from heatstroke, such as carrying water while walking. However, sunlight has many advantages and disadvantages for dogs’ health, which we have explained in detail in this article. To have a healthy and lively dog, you must pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. You can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming in all these steps. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.
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