Are grapes, peaches, or nectarines good or bad for dogs?

On the other hand, dogs are curious and part of our family. That’s why they like to try the foods we eat. But some of the good foods for us aren’t good for them. They’re carnivores and don’t need to include fruit in their diet. In addition, the type of food digestion in the dog’s digestive tract is different from humans. In the continuation of this article, you will learn everything about grapes, nectarines, and peach for dogs.

Grapes, peaches, or nectarines for dogs

Can dogs eat grapes? Every type of grape, including red, green, and black, is poisonous to dogs. They’re considered a forbidden food for them and can cause kidney failure and even death. Also, anything made from grapes, such as juice, syrup, fermented grapes, currants, and raisins, is poisonous to dogs. Breed, sex, or age of the animal have no effect, and all dogs are sensitive to grapes. It’s also unclear how much of this fruit is dangerous for dogs. So eating grapes is forbidden for dogs. Even a bunch of grapes or raisins can kill them.

What about nectarines and peaches? We all enjoy eating nectarines and juicy, fragrant, and delicious peaches in summer. If you have eaten peaches in front of your dog’s eyes, you have probably seen the dog staring at you with his innocent appearance and waiting to take his share. In the following, you will become more familiar with these foods.

Symptoms of poisoning by grapes

Symptoms of poisoning usually appear 12 to 24 hours after eating grapes. Symptoms of dog poisoning from eating grapes or raisins may include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Bad breath in dogs
  • Lethargy, weakness, abnormal immobility
  • Dog vomiting, which may be accompanied by diarrhea and usually appears very quickly (within a few hours)
  • Abdominal pain (it hurts and reacts when you touch the dog’s abdomen)
  • Temporary loss of balance and vision
  • Symptoms of dehydration include shortness of breath, pale gums, dry nose, and mouth. There’s also a quick test to diagnose dehydration: Gently pull the skin on the back of the dog’s neck. If it comes back right away, that’s not a problem. Otherwise, your dog will be dehydrated.
  • Excessive thirst (early intoxication)
  • The amount of urine may increase, decrease, and stop altogether (indicating that the kidneys fail).

Side effects of grapes for dogs

The most important complication of eating grapes and raisins for dogs is kidney failure. It is better to give the dog functional foods instead of grapes.

What should we do if our dog eats grapes?

Call your veterinarian right away, even if your dog eats many grapes or raisins. He will most likely tell you to be aware of the symptoms. He may also suggest doing something that your dog does (for example, give him a hydrogen peroxide solution). Of course, you shouldn’t do it if your dog has difficulty breathing, is in severe pain, faints, or isn’t sure what he eats. Remember that you shouldn’t do anything yourself without the veterinarian’s permission.

Poison treatment

The veterinarian will try to prevent the dog from having kidney problems and restore his function if his kidneys are malfunctioning. He may make the dog vomit and give him activated charcoal so that the venom isn’t absorbed in his intestines or stomach. He may also inject fluids to protect your dog’s kidneys. A dog that has only eaten one or more grapes and is treated immediately may be fine. But if the kidneys are damaged and the urine is cut off, he will probably die; Because you can’t repair your dog’s kidney.


Always be careful that the dog doesn’t touch anything with grapes or grape products. Some foods also have these things, and you should check their ingredients. Also, if you give such foods to small children, be careful not to give them to dogs or drop their pieces on the ground so that The dog can eat them. Dog food is usually something specific, and it’s better to give them to him.

Are grape leaves harmful to dogs?

No studies have yet shown that grape leaves are toxic to dogs. But they can’t eat grape leaves for several reasons:

  • Grape leaves can also cause digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. Of course, eating a few leaves is usually safe. But if your dog eats a lot of leaves, he’s very likely to have digestive problems (especially if he’s small or old), and you should consult a veterinarian immediately.
  • Insecticides and pesticides sprayed on grape leaves can cause poisoning. If you want to give any other leaves or vegetables to the dog, you must first wash them thoroughly.
  • Eating large amounts of grape leaves can block the dog’s intestines, in which case you should take him to the nearest veterinary clinic immediately. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction include abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, lethargy, and vomiting.
  • Consuming large amounts of grape leaves may cause the dog to become lethargic, which may last from a few hours to a few days or even weeks. Drowsiness is dangerous, and if your dog shows symptoms (lack of energy, inactivity, and lack of interest in usual activities), he needs veterinary care.
  • Grape leaves can cause anorexia in dogs. The cause isn’t known and only occurs in some dogs (it may depend on their age and size). If your dog has this problem, he will usually show less interest in usual activities such as eating, running, and jumping.

Why are grapes harmful to dogs?

Some dogs have mild problems after eating grapes, while others have acute kidney failure. Different grapes and raisins have different levels of tartaric acid depending on factors such as the type of grape, where it grows, and how ripe it is. Maybe it will help find a way to quickly diagnose and even treat dog poisoning with grapes and raisins.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Dogs can eat peaches, but only on two conditions:

  • First, you have to prepare the fruit properly because some parts of it are harmful to the dog, which we will explain below. 
  • Secondly, peaches are high in fiber and sugar compared to other fruits, so you should follow the 90/10 rule about dog food. It means that 90% of the daily calories received should be provided from regular and main foods and a maximum of 10% from various and encouraging dog foods.

Eating foods high in fiber and high in sugar can cause dog problems and diarrhea. But if you don’t remember the 90/10 rule, it won’t be a problem. Excess sugar can also cause diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay. So you should always be careful about the amount of sugar your dog consumes. 

Properties of peaches for dogs

Peaches are rich in vitamins C, E, and niacin (from the B vitamin family), copper, and potassium. It also has a relatively large fiber that helps the digestive system function and excretes. The fruit’s rich antioxidants fight a variety of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart problems and reduce inflammation. Inflammation is one of the causes of many diseases, from joint problems such as arthritis to fatty liver. Other valuable substances such as vitamin A, manganese, zinc, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus are also present in peaches, but their amount is relatively small.

Essential points about eating peaches for dogs

First of all, it’s better to always consult a veterinarian before giving any new food to your dog and get information about the method and amount of consumption.

Tips on giving peaches to dogs

  • First of all, rinse the peach well for the dog to get rid of any dirt, pesticides, or other chemicals that may have remained on the skin. Then remove all the stems and leaves, cut the peach and remove the kernel.
  • Peach kernels have a chemical compound called amygdalin. Amygdalin is made up of sugar and cyanide, and you know that cyanide is toxic. Of course, the amount of this substance isn’t large, and a large number of kernels cause poisoning of dogs. It’s better not to take risks.
  • On the other hand, Swallowing the kernel can cause the dog to suffocate or block the dog’s intestines. In addition, the kernel of this fruit, with its sharp edges, and serrated and rough surface, can damage the esophagus and intestines and cause them to be scratched and irritated. Peach stems and leaves also contain cyanide.
  • Peach compote or canned food isn’t suitable for dogs and is considered a forbidden food (as well as other types of fruit compote) because either a lot of sugar is added to it, or it has artificial sweeteners that can cause severe problems in the dog’s digestive system. Preservatives added to competes and canned foods are also harmful to dogs.
  • Always check your dog after giving him new food to detect any possible signs of upset stomach, diarrhea, or other adverse reactions on time.

Is nectarine harmful to dogs?

Nectarine is the same peach fruit that only the gene for smooth skin is activated, and therefore its skin becomes soft instead of fluffy. You may even find nectarines among the fruits of some peach trees. Nectarine and fig peach are botanically a type of peach. So if you want to use nectarines or fig peaches for dogs, you have to pay attention to all the things we said about ordinary peaches.

Important points 

Peaches and nectarines aren’t bad for dogs and can be a good source of fiber and nutrients. Only the kernels, stems, and leaves have a toxic substance, and you shouldn’t consume these parts by your dog or yourself. Be aware that eating compote is forbidden. Eating large amounts of these two fruits is also not suitable for dogs because of their high sugar content. Depending on your dog’s size and taste, you can give the whole fruit or cut it into smaller pieces. You can also make a tasty treat for your dog by freezing nectarines or peaches. Frozen fruit is excellent, especially on hot days. Nectarines or peaches may also cause digestive problems and upset stomachs for dogs, usually in the form of temporary diarrhea. So you need to be alert if your dog has digestive issues; you can quickly diagnose them. Eating grapes and anything made from them, like raisins and grape juice, is forbidden for dogs and can kill them. If your dog eats grape leaves, don’t worry, but beware of unusual symptoms.

To wrap up

To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have groomed your dogs carefully and accurately so that they count the moments for the next session.

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