Cherry Eyes in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment (Part 3)

Cherry eyes in dogs is a protrusion of the third eyelid gland or prolapse of the lacrimal glands of the third eyelid, the type and severity of which is different in each breed. In the first part, we explained the symptoms and the cause of this disease and also the list of breeds that are most exposed to cherry eyes. In the second part, we explained how to treat this disease, which is mainly done through surgery, and we also explained its important points. Don’t forget that cherry eyes should be treated immediately; Because it causes eye dry, inflammation and infection or even blindness in dogs. Complications of third eyelid protrusion vary. In this section, we will explain about postoperative care and important points that should be considered.

Cherry eyes prevention

As we said, it isn’t yet clear what causes the ligaments that hold the lacrimal glands to fail. As a result, we don’t know how to prevent this problem. Always pay attention to your dog’s eyes so that if they have symptoms of redness or abnormal swelling, notice them quickly (especially if your dog is of a cherry-eyed breed). Cherry’s dog’s eye isn’t an infectious and microbial disease and therefore there’s no vaccine for it. It is not infectious, so it isn’t contagious either and doesn’t pose any danger to you or the rest of your animals. Of course, it can be inherited by children of the same dog.

The fact that cherry eyes are more likely to occur in certain breeds suggests that they may be a genetic factor. So if you want to have a puppy of a breed prone to the disease, it’s better to find out the cherry eye statistics of his ancestors. Even if the dog’s ancestors don’t have this problem, he may still be infected. These dogs shouldn’t give birth (even if you have treated them). Dog breeds that are prone to cherry eyes are also prone to other eye diseases such as entropion (turning the edge of the eyelid toward the eye), distension (eyelash protrusion abnormally) and dry eye. So don’t forget to check the dog’s eyes regularly.

Important points that you should pay attention to

  • Avoid any activity that raises the pressure inside the dog’s eye, such as running, jumping and playing. 
  • Don’t wear a collar or strap around the dog’s neck (you can use a muzzle instead) as putting pressure on the dog’s neck can increase the pressure inside the eye. 
  • If antibiotic drops are prescribed for your dog’s eye, be sure to use them according to the instructions until the treatment period is complete, otherwise, the infection may recur. 
  • Cherry eye surgery and treatment reduce the risk of dry eye, but the risk isn’t low. 
  • Dogs that once have a cherry eye should be monitored for dry eye for the rest of their lives, and may even have these problems several years after surgery.

Cherry dog’s eye is drooping third eyelid glands. This condition is more common in young dogs (usually under one year old) and some breeds are more likely to be affected. The cherry eye may be temporary or permanent. The disease isn’t painful at all in the early steps, so the dog probably doesn’t even notice that there’s a problem, but little by little the dry eye and sometimes infection develops, which has a thousand kinds of complications. So his treatment shouldn’t be neglected at all. The sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances of success. There’s currently no definitive way to prevent cherry eyes in dogs. If your dog gets the disease, at least we can be sure that his life isn’t in danger and the problem is controllable with surgery. But these dogs shouldn’t give birth to other puppies; because their puppies are more likely to get this disease. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming and much more. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have groomed your dogs carefully and accurately so that they count the moments for the next session.

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