Cold in dogs: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment (Part 2)

In the previous part, we talked about the common cold in dogs and described its various symptoms. Colds can be treated at home or with medication. Home remedies can be used to treat cold in dogs with nutritious food, disinfection of dishes, adequate rest and using incense. In the first part, we also talked about the cause and transmission of this disease to humans or vice versa. In this section, we will explain how to prevent and treat colds in different breeds.


  • Be sure to dry the dog after washing.
  • In winter, avoid washing the dog in cold weather.
  • Feed your healthy dog foods that can strengthen his body.
  • Don’t expose your dog to direct air conditioning or freezing weather.
  • The use of blankets and heating mats is an excellent option for dogs that shiver in the winter.
  • If you take the dog for a long walk in cold weather, don’t raise the house’s temperature at once after walking.
  • The wind can remove the dog’s hair cover, and the cold air reaches the skin directly.
  • Moisture in rainy weather can quickly penetrate a dog’s coat and cool his body.
  • When a dog runs and engages in physical activity, these activities keep his body warm, and if he suddenly stops exercising, his body temperature drops rapidly and attract cool weather.

Colds in different breeds

This disease can affect any breed, but it’s more common in some species, which we will introduce in this part.

Poodle Dogs

Poodle dogs are one of the most popular breeds worldwide, which have gained a lot of fans because of their intelligence and beauty. Unfortunately, one of the most common diseases in poodles is the common cold. The symptoms include lethargy, coughing, sneezing, loss of appetite, and so on. To treat this disease, it’s better to keep your poodle at an ideal temperature, routinely disinfect the equipment associated with it, and pay attention to his nutrition.

Shih Tzu dogs

Lovely Shih Tzu is another breed that is prone to this disease. Symptoms of this disease in Shih Tzu include wheezing, lethargy, snoring due to nasal congestion, etc. Since Shih Tzu is very sensitive, they should be well cared for during this period and give them nutritious and quality food. Of course, remember to avoid giving extra nutrition to your dog, as they are very prone to obesity.

German dogs

The German dogs are wonderful breeds that have become popular due to their high intelligence. Unfortunately, this breed is also prone to colds. According to the veterinarian’s recommendations, you should take good care of them during colds so that the treatment process can be done faster.

Husky Dogs

Beautiful and lovable Huskies are usually strong and healthy breeds. However, they are prone to colds. Symptoms of cold in Huskies include sneezing, lethargy, anorexia, runny nose and eyes, etc. During this period, you should strengthen the husky’s defence system to deal with this disease, and the treatment process should be faster. Since some Huskies are malnourished or reluctant to eat during the illness, it’s better to change their diet according to the veterinarian’s advice.

Terrier dogs

One of the most common diseases in the Terrier breed is the common cold, the symptoms of which include runny nose and eyes, anorexia, impatience, changes in body temperature, and so on. Since terriers are sensitive, it’s better to take your dog to a veterinarian first so that you can treat your beloved terrier according to the veterinarian’s advice.

If you ignore cold in dogs, you may cause new diseases in them. Understanding the concept and symptoms of colds in dogs is essential for dog owners. Be sure to take your dog to the vet. If he isn’t treated quickly, he may develop a respiratory infection or other infectious diseases. The causes of dogs’ colds are the same as ours. There’s no specific virus called a “cold virus”, but several different viruses can cause colds in dogs. Some of these viruses are more potent, which is why your dog may have a severe illness. But some colds go away on their own after a few days of sneezing. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming and much more. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have groomed your dogs carefully and accurately to count the moments for the next session.


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