Dates And Honey For Dogs

Dates and honey are two popular foods among people. It’s interesting to know that dates are a tonic and anti-cancer sweet that even diabetics can eat a few. So, eating dates shouldn’t be harmful to your dog. But to give them to a dog, you must follow some tips so that his health isn’t endangered. How about honey? Can dogs eat honey? Does honey have medicinal properties? Is it safe to have it in dog food? In this article, learn about the properties of dates and honey for dogs and how to use them.

Can a dog eat dates?

Yes, dogs can eat dates. A dog’s body doesn’t need dates, but eating them doesn’t harm him. Dates aren’t poisonous for dogs, but you should observe moderation in their consumption. It would be best to consider how to use dates for dogs and the right amount. Before adding any food or changing the dog’s food, it’s better to consult a veterinarian. According to the dog’s disease history and lifestyle, the veterinarian introduces suitable foods for him.

How to give dates to a dog?

Any new food shouldn’t make up more than 10% of the dog’s daily diet. To give dates to the dog, it’s recommended to provide him with half to two dates once or twice a week. The amount of dates depends on the size and breed of the dog. Cut the dates into small pieces for easier eating and digestion. Dates for dogs can be served with his unique food or yoghurt. You can use dry dates to prevent them from sticking. These foods are the best dog food because they contain neither fat nor preservatives. Before adding any food to the dog’s diet, your dog should gradually test and be introduced to it. When giving dates to your dog, please pay attention to his behaviour and reactions. In case of any allergies, diarrhoea, vomiting, indigestion and similar diseases, stop using them.


Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre and nutrients. This food helps to strengthen the dog’s immune system. They are handy for dogs suffering from constipation. Eating dates regularly can help support the dog’s digestive system. A balanced diet should provide all the nutrients with your dog needs. Some of the valuable substances in dates are:


Magnesium promotes healthy skin. This substance helps reduce inflammation, especially for the skin. Also, according to research, magnesium consumption reduces dogs’ heart disease risk.


Copper is an essential dietary nutrient for dogs. The consumption of this substance causes the correct development of the dog’s skeleton and the formation of red blood cells.


Manganese helps the growth of bones and joint strength. This substance reduces the risk of common arthritis and hip dysplasia.


Fibre is beneficial for relieving constipation in dogs. Also, it takes longer for a dog to digest dates. Therefore, he feels full for a longer time.


Dogs need vitamin B6 to increase glucose production and strengthen red blood cell function, the nervous system and hormone regulation.


Dry dates are among the richest sources of beneficial antioxidant compounds called polyphenols. The presence of antioxidants helps digestion of dog food and prevents some cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Properties of dates for dogs

As you read, dates contain many nutrients. Therefore, it has many benefits for dogs if eaten in moderation. In the following, the benefits of dates for dogs are introduced.

  • Prevent cancer
  • Prevent dog heart disease
  • Relieve constipation
  • Regulation of hormones and the nervous system
  • Bone strength
  • Improving the function of red blood cells
  • Skin health
  • Aid in digestion
  • Increase energy

Five tips for giving this food to dogs

If you want to give dates to your dog correctly, it’s better to consider 5 points. These points are:

Removing the date seed

One of the dangers of dates for dogs is suffocation due to eating date seeds. These seeds aren’t toxic to dogs like cherry kernels, but swallowing them can cause broken teeth, suffocation, and intestinal obstruction. To feed dates to the dog, buy pitted dates or remove the date seed.

Not mixing dates with raisins or grapes.

Never mix dates with grapes or raisins. Grapes and all its products are classified as forbidden foods for dogs. As you know, raisins are dry grapes, and their consumption can cause kidney failure and even death.

Dried dates

If you give dried dates to your dog, pay attention to their sugar and calorie content. Dry dates have a higher concentration. Therefore, calories, sugar, antioxidants and vitamins are also higher. If you feed your dog with dried dates, you should give them a smaller amount. By doing this, you prevent obesity in the dog and damage to his teeth.


As you read above, dates should be only 10% of the dog’s food. Consuming too many dates for dogs causes stomach diseases. Don’t forget that excessive food consumption causes the dog’s body infection.

Prohibition for diabetic dogs

If your dog has diabetes, never use dates in his diet. Some people think that natural sugar isn’t dangerous for diabetic dogs, but you should know that all sugars increase the blood sugar level of dogs.

Can dogs eat honey?

While honey isn’t toxic to dogs, we recommend not giving it to your dog. Because honey has a very high sugar content (which is pure sugar) and can cause your dog to gain weight or even worsen it if he suffers from an underlying condition such as diabetes, it’s better to feed your dog healthy treats. You can buy healthy dog treats at a pet store or online or reward your dog with chopped vegetables like green beans or green peas. Another option is to encourage your pet with his regular dry food, as many dogs will be happy with it. Owners are often surprised that their dog values your praise and attention more than the food!

Treating wounds

Some research confirms that certain types of manuka honey can help heal wounds. However, it’s important to emphasise that trained veterinary professionals should only evaluate and dress wounds. Treating injuries at home can easily lead to nasty infections, wound deterioration and unnecessary pain and suffering. In terms of veterinary wound dressings, there are some post-surgical wounds (which veterinary professionals will be able to assess correctly) where manuka honey can be used to aid in damage healing, along with other appropriate dressings. As mentioned, honey isn’t a cure and should only be used in exceptional cases. Honey is only suitable for the early stages of wound healing. Many other alternative forms of wound dressing can be used in place of honey for dogs that also help with wound healing.

Each case is unique. It’s up to your veterinarian to decide which dressing is most appropriate. It’s also worth noting that manuka honey may last longer than some alternative wound dressings and cause surgical sutures to break down quickly, which can be detrimental to wound healing in the wrong cases. There has also been some debate about whether Manuka honey has antimicrobial properties. Although honey has some antimicrobial effects, it can’t protect against all bacterial spores and should only be used after evaluation by a veterinary specialist.

Treating allergies

There’s some debate about whether honey can treat other ailments. For example, it has been suggested that honey may be beneficial in allergic dogs because if they are allergic to pollen, it may expose them to lower doses of the allergen and help boost their immunity without causing an allergic reaction. However, this isn’t a reliable way to treat allergies because the pollen your dog is allergic to is unlikely to be the same pollen found in honey. Many allergic dogs react to several other allergens.

Additionally, measuring the dose of allergen you feed your dog through honey is impossible. A particular amount of an allergen must be given to elicit an immune response, so the honey itself may be causing the allergic reaction. For this reason, and the sugar in honey can harm your dog, we always recommend against using honey for allergies. If you are concerned that your pet may suffer from allergies, it’s best to speak to your vet for further advice.

Treating coughs

Honey is known as a sore throat reliever, which can be one of the symptoms of a cough. However, the effects are relatively minor and sore throats don’t always require treatment. So, suppose you suspect your dog has a cough. In that case, it’s always best to talk to your vet before treating honey. They can advise you on the appropriate treatment for any potential underlying medical conditions. Give more serious recommendations and, more importantly, help to reject these problems. Additionally, a more suitable and effective alternative treatment for your dog may be available.

To wrap up

Dates have an encouraging role for dogs. Consuming this sweet food is prohibited for dogs with diabetes, and other dogs should observe moderation in its consumption. This food is rich in fibre, sugar, manganese and vitamins, and its controlled consumption benefits dogs. But it’s better not to use honey for dogs because of its high sugar content. We explained its other uses above. To have a healthy and lively dog, you must pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. In all these steps, you can count on the specialised team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments before the next session. 

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