Dog Diarrhea; Causes and Treatment (Part 1)

One of the most common problems and symptoms of a dog’s gastrointestinal illness is diarrhea. Every dog ​​may get it at least a few times in his lifetime. Dog diarrhea can have many reasons and can be caused by a sudden change in diet to serious illnesses and problems. In many cases, this digestive problem isn’t a dangerous or worrying thing; But in some cases, it can be a sign of a serious and dangerous disease. What are the causes of diarrhea and how can we understand its cause and reason? What are the treatments for dog diarrhea and how can it be prevented? In this article, we want to talk in detail about dog diarrhea. So you will find useful information about the digestive status of dogs. Stay tuned.

Diarrhea or loose stools in dogs

Dogs usually defecate once or twice a day, often at a regular hour. It may seem strange to you, but paying attention to the appearance, colour and smell of feces can tell us a lot about a dog’s health. A natural stool has a good consistency, retains its shape but is soft and flexible. Anything other than this is a warning and may be a sign of constipation or diarrhea in dogs. Diarrhea in dogs occurs when the consistency and appearance of the stool are looser than normal; Loose, completely watery stools, diarrhea with mucus, and even dysentery may all be present in dogs. In addition to the appearance and consistency of the stool, its colour can give the veterinarian a lot of information about the cause of the problem.

Emergencies and prompt treatment

Surely no one knows his dog as well as the dog owner; So if you feel that your dog isn’t in a normal condition, be sure to consult a veterinarian. Your veterinarian will tell you what the reason may be and what you should do. Diarrhea is sometimes very dangerous and an emergency. In these cases, it’s necessary to take the dog to the clinic as soon as possible. Before explaining the urgency of this problem, let’s first talk about the types of dog diarrhea.

Types of diarrhea in dogs

  • If the origin of diarrhea is related to the small intestine, it’s usually large, watery and loose, it can quickly cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in dogs.
  • If diarrhea is related to the large intestine, you will usually find that the dog feels uncomfortable and is constantly trying; But only a very small amount of soft, mucous, and sometimes bloody stools come out.

In general, if your dog has diarrhea only once and his general condition is good, he eats well and is quite naughty, then there isn’t much to worry about. Wait until the next time to see what happens.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

This digestive problem can have many different reasons and in some cases, more research is needed to determine the cause of the problem. But some of the most common causes of dog diarrhea are:


Parasites, especially intestinal worms, can cause diarrhea in the small or large intestine by irritating the dog’s digestive tract. The parasites that cause this disease are mostly seen in young puppies.

Infectious diseases

Bacterial infections such as Salmonella and viral infections such as parvovirus and distemper can also cause dog diarrhea, which is more common in young dogs.

Wrong diet or sudden change in dog food

A sudden change in the dog’s diet can cause this digestive problem. In addition, giving unhealthy and harmful foods such as sausages or bones can irritate and damage the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in problems ​​for the dog.

Stress and anxiety

Dogs may experience gastrointestinal upset, especially irritability of the small intestine, or colitis when they experience stress, anxiety, or even excitement.

Primary inflammatory disorders and problems

Just as inflammatory bowel problems cause this problem in humans, such inflammatory disorders can cause dogs to have diarrhea.

Metabolic diseases

Diseases such as disorders of the pancreas, liver or thyroid are among the metabolic diseases of dogs. These diseases can cause other problems, one of which is irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and resulting in diarrhea.

Some drugs or toxins

Many dog ​​owners know that some antibiotics can cause this problem in dogs, But other drugs and some toxins can also cause digestive problems in them. Some other causes include:

  • Eating of the trash
  • Overeating
  • Sensitivity and allergy to a particular food
  • Excessive exercise and physical activity
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