Dog Distemper; Causes And Treatment

Distemper disease is one of the most common and dangerous diseases in dogs. This disease is considered an important problem because it is deadly and contagious. In this article, we are going to talk about the symptoms of this disease, its prevention and medical treatment. So, stay tuned to learn more about dog distemper.

Dog distemper

Dog distemper is a dangerous, deadly and contagious viral disease for which no cure has yet been found. This disease is one of the most important causes of puppy death. This disease affects dogs and some species of wildlife (such as lions and tigers). The cause of this disease is a virus belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family. Most of the dogs that are exposed to distemper disease are unvaccinated puppies and adult dogs that are not immune to this virus.

Canine distemper virus is a viral disease that mainly affects the lungs, intestines and nervous system of dogs. This disease is the second most deadly viral disease in dogs after rabies. The distemper virus is easily destroyed by common disinfectants in the environment. This virus is killed in the heat of the environment within a few minutes, but it can last for weeks at temperatures close to freezing.

Early symptoms of dog distemper  

The distemper disease virus initially attacks the tonsils and lymph nodes of the dog’s body and reproduces in these areas for about a week. After that, it attacks the respiratory system, genitourinary system, and digestive system, and in the next stage, it causes these symptoms:

  • Fever (over 39.7 degrees)
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Watery discharge from the nose and eyes
  • Lethargic dog
  • Anorexia
  • Cough
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhoea

In the second stage of the disease, the distemper virus attacks the nervous system and infects the dog’s brain and spinal nerves, and the following symptoms appear in the dog:

  • Anxiety attack
  • Paralyzed
  • Any nervous tic
  • Convulsions

If these symptoms are observed in a dog, they will remain forever. Nervous symptoms don’t go away even if the distemper is cured in dogs.

Cause of dog distemper

Dogs get distemper if they come in direct contact with the virus. This contact with the virus is done through contact with those infected with the distemper virus. The distemper virus spreads in the air and dogs can get distemper by breathing air contaminated with the virus. If a pregnant dog gets distemper, she will transmit the disease to her puppies through the placenta. Distemper occurs more often in dogs that are not vaccinated. If your dog is properly vaccinated, you can be sure of being safe from this disease.

Of course, you should also keep in mind that if you have a cat or if a cat visits your yard or home, you should be worried about this disease. Because cat distemper can also be transmitted to dogs. This disease in adult cats may show itself very late. A cat with a strong immune system can usually cope with this disease. But it is not known at all how strongly this virus will work in your dog’s body!

Diagnosing distemper disease in dogs

The way to detect the distemper virus in dogs is based on the symptoms we mentioned in the previous section. But until these symptoms are observed, it is difficult to diagnose this disease. Also, when 14 days have passed since the dog contracted this disease, it will be much more difficult to detect the distemper virus in the tissues and isolate it. Rapid immunochromatographic kits are used to diagnose this common disease in dogs. The way these kits work is that they use the secretions of the dog’s nose and eyes in this kit. Then, if two red lines appear on the strip of the kit, it means that the dog is infected with this virus, and if only one red line appears on the strip, it means that the test is negative.

Another thing that makes it very difficult to diagnose this disease is that this virus produces an antidote in the body of dogs that have not been vaccinated, and an increase in the level of this antidote can make us suspect this disease. It is also very difficult to diagnose distemper in dogs that have neurological symptoms but do not have the other distemper symptoms mentioned earlier. It should be noted that the test just mentioned is not definitive and sometimes shows a false result. Therefore, there is another test called the cerebrospinal fluid test, the result of which is definitive. But this test, in addition to being very expensive, is also dangerous for dogs.

Treatment of distemper in dogs 

Unfortunately, distemper is one of the viral diseases with no cure. If a dog gets distemper, he must go through the duration of distemper treatment and survive. Of course, this issue does not mean that if a distemper is diagnosed in your dog, nothing can be done by the veterinarian. The veterinarian here must help the dog not perish during the disease with supportive treatments and his body to fight the disease.

Treatments for dogs with distemper disease focus on controlling secondary bacterial infections and compensating for the lost fluids and electrolytes in the dog’s body. Therefore, as soon as the disease is confirmed in Parvo in dogs, the vet prescribes serum, antibiotics and drugs to reduce the symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting and seizures. Recovery from distemper disease depends on the age of the dog, the time to visit the vet and the strength of the virus that infected the dog.

When you see that your puppy is lethargic, not eating, and has a fever and watery discharge from the eyes and nose, take him to the vet immediately so that if he has distemper, he can be treated as soon as possible. Waiting in such cases will only cause the disease to progress and make the treatment more difficult and reduce the dog’s chance of survival. Dogs with distemper should be monitored for pneumonia and nervous symptoms, and in case of symptoms, they should be prescribed the necessary drugs.

Drugs for dog distemper

There is usually no special medicine for canine distemper, which is a virus. Antibiotics for dogs are often used. These drugs also help to control the bacterial infections resulting from this disease.

Preventing puppies from suffering from distemper disease

A vaccine has been developed for this dangerous viral disease. The incidence of disease in dogs that are vaccinated against distemper is very low. It is impossible to say which dog breeds have the highest risk of infection. This virus is not breed-oriented, but it has the worst effects on the weakest dogs. So what is the best way to deal with distemper? Vaccination! Vaccination against canine distemper disease is done at 5-6 weeks. The second and third doses of the vaccine are injected 1 month after the date of the first vaccine, 1 month apart, and are repeated annually after that.

Distemper disease is more common in puppies. This disease is highly contagious and deadly, that’s why dogs born in kennels are more exposed to this disease. A dog can have distemper, but in the first days of the disease, it does not show any symptoms. So, if you adopt a puppy, before bringing him home, take the dog to the vet and ask him to give the dog a distemper kit to make sure he is healthy.

Another dangerous disease of puppies is canine parvovirus disease. By vaccinating your dog, you are vaccinating him against both of these dangerous and deadly diseases. Dogs should receive various vaccines throughout their lives to protect them from various diseases and infections.

Important points

There are many questions about this viral disease, and we will address some of the most important ones.

How long does a dog with a distemper live?

If the diagnosis is timely, dogs usually survive, but the treatment of distemper in dogs depends on their age and immune system. A puppy may die soon, but an adult dog can survive for months.

Can dog distemper be transmitted to humans?

No. This disease is only common among animals and can be contracted through contact with an infected breed or breathing in a contaminated space or even using shared utensils.

What is the duration of the disease in dogs?

This disease has an incubation period of one to two weeks, and then the duration of distemper treatment from its peak period is 4 to 5 weeks. If the dog recovers, he may still show some side effects in the next period.

How does distemper get rid of?

Viruses cannot be eliminated. Canine distemper disease can only be controlled with drugs, and if the dog can continue the recovery period, the virus will lose its strength and will completely disappear in the body after about 2 months.

To wrap up

Dog distemper is a viral disease that can easily be transmitted between dogs and cats. To prevent your pets from getting distemper, vaccinate them as soon as possible. Distemper can kill weak puppies or dogs very quickly, so be sure to take it seriously. To have a healthy and lively dog, you must pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. You can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming in all these steps. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.

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