24 Jul Eggs for dogs; advantages and disadvantages
Is egg cholesterol harmful to dogs? Dogs, as you know, are very curious and voracious eaters, and they like to test any food we eat. One of the foods that are attractive to them is eggs. Most dog owners want to know if dogs can eat eggs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of organic and local eggs for dogs? Or how and to what extent can you give them hard-boiled eggs? In this article, we will answer all these questions, and you can safely make the right decision whether to give your dog eggshells or not. Also, consuming this food provides several types of vitamins to the dog’s body. So stay tuned until the end of this article.
Disadvantages of eggs for dogs
Before you want to give your dog eggs for the first time, consult your veterinarian; some dogs are allergic to the protein in eggs. Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, digestive problems such as diarrhoea and vomiting, and in some more severe cases, itchy skin and hives can be signs of a dog being allergic to eggs.
You can also give eggs to the dog in small amounts as a treat. Of course, the vet should prescribe the use of eggs in the diet according to the dog’s breed. Excessive use of this food can replace the main proteins in dog food and cause nutritional problems for them in the long run.
Eggs contain high cholesterol, and eating a large amount of them can cause digestive problems and lead to obesity. So, it’s better to get advice from a veterinarian about the right amount of eggs for a dog. Also, it’s better to use hard-boiled egg white for fat adults and sterilised dogs without the yolk.
Raw eggs for dogs
Which one is better for dogs? Raw or cooked eggs? Doesn’t giving raw eggs to dogs make them sterile? How is it suitable to eat eggs for dogs? Eating raw eggs in dogs usually causes vomiting and diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing, swelling, hives, stomach ache, weak immune system, infection, cancer, fever and allergy.
If we add raw egg white to the dog’s meal, it may immediately upset their digestive system due to the salmonella bacteria it contains and causes them diarrhoea very quickly. After consumption, raw egg white passes through the digestive system so that it reaches the small intestine within 1 to 5 hours. Therefore it’s one of the prohibited foods for dogs. If the egg white is cooked, it remains in the digestive tract after approximately 2-3 hours and is digested correctly.
Eating a hard-hard-hard-hard-boiled egg by a dog weighing 5-7 kilos won’t cause any problems or complications. But using two eggs causes loose stools, and 4-5 eggs in dogs cause diarrhoea. Difficulties and issues related to raw egg white can always be seen after 8 to 20 hours, and approximately 30 to 50 per cent of egg white can be seen in dog faeces. In this case, only 50 to 70 per cent of these substances are absorbed in the dog’s body. But this amount is almost 90% in the case of cooked eggs.
Also, egg white contains avidin, which inhibits and destroys biotin. Biotin is a beneficial vitamin that is useful and necessary for cell growth, metabolism, skin health, etc. Excessive consumption of avidin causes the problem of biotin deficiency in the dog’s body. To avoid this problem, the dog must have eaten egg whites for a long time and in large quantities. Cooking eggs for dogs reduces this risk, which is why we recommend giving your dog hard-boiled eggs. According to the doctor’s prescription, Eggshell powder is a beneficial food supplement for dogs.
Advantages of eggs for dogs
As you know, cooked egg whites and yolks are beneficial and nutritious for dogs and don’t cause problems for your puppies.
- Eggs are a rich source of protein, amino acids and fatty acids.
- This food contains vitamin A, selenium, B1, B6, B12, riboflavin and folate.
- One of the main advantages of eggs for dogs is that every part of this cooked food item has significant properties.
- These dogs usually need amino acids. Egg whites are rich in amino acids that meet their needs.
- Many nutrients and minerals in egg white are available in egg white, such as arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine, avidin, and valine.
- This food is one of the foods you can include in the basket and diet of dogs, which is also very useful for their health.
- Another benefit of eggs for dogs is that most veterinarians believe that even the shell of a cooked egg is rich in calcium, which benefits them. (Eggshell consumption isn’t beneficial for most dogs and should be used according to the instructions.)
- Eggs benefit dogs’ metabolism, skin health and hair growth.
- Puppies can use eggs after the age of 4 months, according to the veterinarian’s opinion.
- Eggs contain a lot of protein that is good for dogs.
- This food is very beneficial for the health of the dog’s teeth and bones.
Number of eggs for dogs per day
Although you can easily include eggs in your dog’s diet, they should never be used as a complete meal. Generally, your dog should use this food only a few times weekly to supplement a nutritious and total diet. Therefore, it’s better to give the egg to your dog only as a treat and once in a while. A medium egg contains 78 calories, about 6 grams of protein and 4 milligrams of fat. A dog’s allowed amount of eggs depends on breed, size, weight, activity level and health status. So it’s better to consult a veterinarian about it. But in general, most dogs shouldn’t eat more than one egg a day: the smaller the dog’s size and the smaller the puppy, the smaller the allowed amount.
The best way to cook eggs for dogs
Now that you know you can give your pet eggs according to the vet’s prescriptions, you probably think it’s okay to share a little of your omelette or sunny-side-up egg with him. But this idea is entirely wrong! You should thoroughly cook the egg; if it’s raw, due to its bacteria, it will cause complications for the dog, including diarrhoea and poisoning. Eggs, if cooked incorrectly, can be very harmful to dogs. You should cook eggs for dogs without any oil, tomato or spices. You can boil it or put it in the oven and give it to your dog. Be aware that dogs are forbidden from foods such as high-fat, salt, onions, garlic, spices, and sauces. So never give your dog your omelette or sunny-side-up egg.
Fried eggs for dogs
Fried eggs won’t seriously harm your dog, but there are better ways to serve eggs that benefit them. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. They also contain essential fatty and amino acids. Eggs can even help relieve a dog’s upset stomach.
The number of egg yolks allowed during the day
Don’t give more than one egg per day to a large dog. (Even this amount can be too large!) You should not give them a whole egg if you have a small breed.
Hard-boiled egg yolk for dogs
Dogs can eat eggs. Every part of the egg, from the shell to the yolk, contains nutrients that are good for dogs. However, like all good things, your dog should take them in moderation.
Hard-boiled eggs for puppies
If you want to give your dog eggs, give them plain hard-boiled eggs that have been boiled or scrambled without additives. These foods can be added to the dog’s food at a meal or fed as a snack or treat throughout the day. Providing too much of one portion of the egg can imbalance your dog’s diet or lead to unwanted weight gain.
To wrap up
In this article, we said that eggs aren’t harmful to dogs, and if your dog doesn’t have allergies or health problems, you can give them as a treat. Of course, always remember that moderation is the primary and vital key for any food! If you provide too much egg to your dog, it can cause health problems for him. In any case, if you want to give eggs to your dog for the first time, you should consult a veterinarian to ensure that it isn’t harmful to him. At the same time, ask the veterinarian about your dog’s allowed amount of eggs. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, movement, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs, so they count the moments for the next session.
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