20 Jul Figs and Cantaloupe for dogs
As the summer season and the weather warms up, fruits are considered the best option for quenching thirst and heat for dogs. But you can’t give all fruits to dogs; some are harmful and dangerous. So how do we know which fruit is good for our dog? Can dogs eat Cantaloupe or not? Are all parts of it edible for them? Fig is also a delicious and beneficial fruit that has different types. This fruit is a good source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and fibre. As a result, figs can be very good for us, but what about dogs? In this article, we want to talk about Cantaloupe and figs for dogs and explain a little about whether these fruits are helpful or harmful to them or not. So stay tuned until the end of the article.
Are figs harmful to dogs?
Eating a lot of figs can make the dog obese, so your dog must consume it in moderation. Eating figs in a small and calculated amount can also help fat dogs lose weight. This fruit is very filling, and just one or two of it is enough to satisfy the dog’s cravings and hunger. If your dog isn’t used to figs yet, consuming too much of them may be problematic due to the sugar content. Too much sugar can cause stomach upset or bowel movement disorders in dogs. On the other hand, the digestive system of dogs isn’t made to digest plant foods; because of this, they may have digestive problems.
Are figs allergic to dogs?
Some dogs are allergic to this fruit. Figs have ficin and Ficus enzymes, which can be too strong for a dog’s stomach. In addition, there’s an irritating substance called oxalic acid in this fruit, which can cause digestive problems in some dogs and people. Even those who aren’t allergic, if they eat more than a few figs at once, may experience stomach upset with diarrhoea or vomiting. Some may develop skin rashes, sores, or inflammation in the mouth and tongue. There are more than 2000 types of fig trees, some of which may not cause complications. Different breeds and dogs of the same breed vary from each other, and it isn’t possible to give a general verdict.
Can you give figs to a dog?
The best thing is to give your dog a small piece of fig first and see how his body reacts. Take care of him for a few days to ensure he doesn’t have an allergic reaction or symptoms such as vomiting or skin irritation. If your dog shows any of these symptoms, stop taking figs immediately. Maybe his condition gets worse, so go to the vet directly. If there’s no problem, you can gradually increase the number of figs, but not too much. In general, give this fruit as a snack or treat to him.
Another point is not to give figs to the dog when his stomach is empty because it may cause vomiting or diarrhoea. Don’t forget to wash the fruit thoroughly; Because it may be contaminated with pesticides. It’s even better to remove the skin and throw it away. If your dog grows up, give him the flesh of ripe figs, but if you have small breeds, give him pieces.
Dried figs
For dogs that don’t like fresh figs, dry fig powder can be used, which has more sugar than fresh figs and should be consumed less.
Fig poisoning
The fig fruit isn’t poisonous, but the branches, bark and leaves of the fig tree are toxic to dogs and may cause skin irritation or even death. Fig leaf poisoning is an acute and dangerous problem and requires immediate treatment. Even if your dog shows very mild symptoms, you should take him to the vet for examination and treatment. In addition, the leaves of this tree have sap that is very annoying for dogs to eat or contact with their skin.
Symptoms of fig poisoning in dogs
- Pouring water from the mouth
- Diarrhoea or vomiting
- stomachache
- skin rash
- Irritation of the skin around the mouth (and, as a result clawing at the face )
- skin inflammation
- Tears from the eyes
What are the properties of fig consumption?
Figs are a relatively low-calorie fruit due to their high fibre content. These fibres are helpful for dogs with digestive problems (especially weak colons), weight problems or diabetes. Insoluble fibre makes it easier for the dog to excrete waste, and soluble fibre helps the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. As a result, this fruit is suitable for constipated dogs and those with diarrhoea. In addition, it can be an appetite stimulant in some dogs. Some other properties of figs for dogs are:
- Strengthening of bones and teeth due to having calcium
- Helping gut health due to high fibre content
- Keeping blood pressure low due to the presence of potassium
- A good source of various vitamins such as A, C and K, and multiple minerals such as magnesium, copper, zinc and iron.
Can dogs eat Cantaloupe?
You may be interested that Cantaloupe is a fantastic source of vitamins A, B6 and C. We shouldn’t ignore the amount of fibre in it. Vitamins A and C are antioxidants. Cantaloupe helps reduce free radicals in dogs. So, it causes the ageing process in dogs to decrease and causes the healthy functioning of cells. Also, vitamin B6 is vital for the dog’s nervous system and red blood cells. The most important thing is that the calories in the dog are low, so that it can be helpful in obese dogs. So be sure that your dog won’t get fat by eating Cantaloupe.
Can Cantaloupe be harmful to dogs?
Cantaloupe is low in calories, But for dogs with diabetes or digestive problems, it isn’t recommended to use this fruit in dog meals. If your dog is healthy and you give him too much Cantaloupe, he may have digestive problems. In general, if you provide Cantaloupe to your dog and you see one of the following things, be sure to consult a veterinarian. The vet can start treatment if necessary:
- Dog vomit
- Dog diarrhoea
- Anorexia
- Stomach pain and distress
- Lethargy
Dos and don’ts of eating Cantaloupe
- Cantaloupe skin, like watermelon skin, is one of the forbidden foods for dogs and can cause severe digestive problems for them. So remember that when you give this fruit to the dog, you must peel the skin, and there should be no skin on the piece of Cantaloupe.
- Don’t feed your dog too much Cantaloupe; the dog may have diarrhoea. So give them enough Cantaloupe (one or two small pieces).
- Use ripe Cantaloupes for your dog’s meal; because whole or unripe Cantaloupe causes digestive problems, and the dog can’t efficiently digest the whole fruit.
Serving Cantaloupe
Well, now that you have decided to give your dog Cantaloupe, remember to wash its skin well; when you cut it, carefully remove the skin, remove the seeds, and give your dog a small piece to drink. Of course, you can use one of the following creative ways to serve it for your dog:
Ice Cantaloupe
For various occasions and celebrations, you can mould pieces of Cantaloupe and put them in the freezer until it freezes, then take them out and give a part to your dog.
Cantaloupe ice cream cake
Take half a Cantaloupe and mash it. Add two spoons of Greek yoghurt to it. Mix the ingredients very well with a mixer. Add a little water and make cupcake moulds when the mixture is stiff. Put the moulds in the freezer, and after 2 to 4 hours, your Cantaloupe ice cream cake is ready.
Fruit salad
You can cut some Cantaloupes into pieces with other fruits beneficial for dogs and mix them, but the parts should be visible to the dog. The pieces shouldn’t be too big for him to choose and eat, and the rest of the fruits remain. Pour the mixture into the food dish. So your dog will try other beneficial fruits and gradually get used to eating them.
Cantaloupe juice
You can also give your dog natural Cantaloupe juice and prepare a mixture of tasty fruit juices for them to eat. Be careful that the Cantaloupe or fruit juice you make is low in sugar. This combination can be great, especially in the summer when your dog can suffer from heat stroke.
To wrap up
Cantaloupe can have many benefits for dogs as long as you know how to use it and, most importantly, how much to use. There’s nothing wrong with eating figs for a healthy dog, but you have to be careful because some of these dogs may cause problems such as allergies. Be aware that the rest of the fig tree is entirely poisonous to them. You should adjust the food plan of dogs according to their health or diseases, so always try to consult a veterinarian about your dog’s diet. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, movement, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs, so they count the moments for the next session.
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