05 Oct Golden Tips for Dog Training
We all love a trained and tame dog who is always obedient to us; Because, at first glance, what attracts our attention is the level of obedience and training of the dog. Sometimes, at first glance, we see dogs that, at the same time, have the originality of the breed but lack the necessary training, eventually losing their attractiveness. While some dogs may have less pure breeds, they are so obedient and trained that we are surprised to see their movements and behaviors. Of course, the result of good training based on scientific principles will be nothing but the mutual understanding of the dog and the trainer in practice; this is where dog training becomes necessary. In this article, you will learn practical information about dog training.
Philosophy of dog training
The topic of teaching commands for dog training is one of the most critical and sensitive stages of dog training. It requires experienced, patient, insightful trainers who can implement the training philosophy as it should be. The philosophy of commands and training of dogs is concretely expressed and implemented in the following examples:
- Obeying and training the dog correctly
- The primary use of the dog in line with the desired goals of the trainer or owner
- Correction of behavioral abnormalities
- Increasing the level of the dog’s trust in the trainer to the extent of unquestioning execution of commands
- Confidence and trust of the owner in the dog in terms of not engaging in unpleasant behaviors in public places, between people in the community, and even among other dogs.
Education prerequisites
- The commands are classified, and you can do dog training from easy to hard. In this way, the accessible commands are given to them, and then with the gradual progress of the work, the rest of the orders are offered with less pressure.
- The dog training period is done professionally. Teaching commands start at the end of the course and after the dog’s specialized training course. It isn’t true to begin teaching commands at the beginning of the work.
- As determined by the trainer or dog owner, commands are given daily or every other day; Because the dog’s physical conditions, mental and behavioral status, weather conditions, and dog genetics, including intelligence, quality, and behavioral standards, have significant effects on this issue.
- The duration of training for commands during the day is ten minutes and a maximum of fifteen minutes, and more training isn’t allowed; Because, firstly, it causes a lot of boredom and fatigue to the dog. Secondly, it doesn’t have the necessary compatibility with the physiological and mental structure of the dog.
- Commands should be given in the best and freshest moments of the dog when he is calm and natural and the dog’s trainer or owner is in a good state of mind. If the dog’s owner isn’t in a normal condition when giving the commands (for example, angry, nervous, depressed, etc.), you won’t achieve the desired result. The dog should also be calm, without stress and fear, and the training place should be away from aggravating factors and people such as strange dogs, food, etc.
- During the training, the trainer should avoid contradictory movements and not confuse the dog with his incorrect behavior. In this case, the trainer’s behavior in front of the dog during training follows a fixed principle so as not to cause confusion and mistrust of the dog to his owner.
- The principle is that when giving instructions, the trainer should focus entirely on his dog so that the dog will turn towards the trainer or his owner to achieve the expected result. The trainer should be aware of the factors that cause the loss of concentration of the dog. He must strongly avoid elements such as the sound of the mobile phone and unnecessary noise and joking with the people around him if present at the training place.
- During training, you should avoid multiple commands. Don’t give two or more orders to the dog at the same time in a training session (10 minutes); it causes mental conflict and stress to the dog and prevents him from doing the order correctly. Besides, the next time we will witness his lousy effect. In the end, it will be tough to correct this order.
- To progress, it’s better to encourage the dog with a treat or other food as a reward after doing the command correctly. Treats will significantly affect the dog’s mood and ability to follow orders, especially in the early stages. In other words, using treats in all phases of a dog’s training will give the owner satisfactory results in improving his performance.
- The time of training and practicing the commands with the dog should be done at specific moments and hours of the day so that the dog gradually acquires the necessary preparation to execute them in more challenging conditions. For example, at the beginning of work, it’s better to train in a quiet and secluded place during the cool hours of the day than in a crowded and hot spot, which causes a drop in work efficiency.
- During training, avoid using rude words, harsh voices, and behavior towards the dog; Because it will cause the dog to be disinterested in your commands and won’t follow them.
- Commands in dogs are taught in two primary and specialized stages, where the basic commands are: sleep, sit, get up, come, stay, and go. Specialized commands are also: attack, let go, don’t eat, eat. , barking, not barking.
The influence of dog behavior in training
A competent trainer can predict his dog’s reaction to events and analyze it well (principle of action and reaction). For example, he should know what it means when a dog yawns in a group of other animals or people. He should also be able to analyze the movements of the dog’s tail in different situations and also have the ability to check the type of dog’s bark at additional times and places.
Of course, it’s also essential to pay attention to the trainer’s behavior, whether the trainer’s behavior with his dog is consistent and fair or in conflict with each other and confusing for the dog. Suppose the trainer’s movements are accompanied by self-confidence and follow the principles. In that case, some inappropriate behaviors of the dog, such as loud barking, unwanted disobedience, and the dog jumping on the trainer, etc., will be resolved by themselves.
The principle of herd behavior in dog education
In a herd of dogs, the strongest and most intelligent are the head of the pack, and the other dogs obey him completely. In case of disobedience, they are disrespected or even punished by him. A trainer should always play the role of the head of the herd for his dog and keep the animal under his command with fair and balanced behavior and not confusing and contradictory, which is the principle of herd behavior.
Of course, this principle is also referred to as the dominant and subordinate principle, which also has the same concept that the dog’s owner plays the dominant role and the dog is his subordinate. The main point of this principle is to avoid using violence and physical punishment against the dog; Because these two factors have a very destructive role on the dog’s personality and psyche and are a sign of the trainer’s fundamental weakness.
Important points regarding the automatic behaviors of dogs
Never fight against your dog’s instinctive behavior. Try to direct some undesirable automatic behaviors of the dog and control them by restraining them in line with your goals. Paying attention to this issue and the correct treatment of the dog will gradually bind him; otherwise, the trainer will get angry, and the dog will also become inconsistent and stubborn with his owner. This principle aligns and redefines the dog’s innate behaviors in line with the trainer’s goals. A deep look at this issue will lead to the advancement of the trainer’s educational purposes.
The importance of encouragement and punishment in dog training
This principle plays a unique and fundamental role in the training phase until the end of the dog’s life, in such a way that a capable trainer knows the importance of a piece of meat or a biscuit as a treat in the dog’s training process. He knows very well that the dog should be encouraged at the same time and place the tasks are being done. Also, he knows the importance of avoiding anger, violence, and physical punishments. The critical point in this method is to recognizes the correct time of encouragement and discipline through sound, which shouldn’t be overlooked.
To wrap up
Choosing the type of dog breed has been the foundation of the dog’s moral and logical training from the very beginning, and it also plays a vital role in the stages of his specialized training. Choosing a puppy with a purer genotype (gene-blood) and phenotype (dog appearance) will be like selecting a person with high intelligence for your companionship and friendship. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.
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