Important Tips for Keeping Dogs Happy And Safe at Christmas (Part 2)

Christmas is a wonderful holiday and the best time for a family reunion. These days, you shouldn’t ignore the game, entertainment and basic needs of dogs. In the previous part, we explained decorating the house and things that should be kept out of reach of dogs. We also said that it’s better to use circuit breakers to further protect the wires of the Christmas tree. We also explained the harmful and useful foods of this special night. We talked in detail about giving presents, fireworks, walking around the Christmas tree, as well as the winter weather outside. In this section, we will state the other important points of this memorable night.

Adhere to a routine schedule in Christmas

Celebration means different visitors and guests, chaos and crowds. This crowd can entertain your dog. But in the long run, this hustle and bustle and out-of-the-ordinary routine of life can upset him. So it’s better to stick to a daily diet and walk to keep him satisfied and calm. Also, set aside time each day for your dog to rest and tell others not to be crowded around him when he is resting.

New guests in Christmas

Dogs are usually excited when guests arrive. So try to distract him by giving him a favourite food or toy. Also, talk to guests about the rules of the house, such as not feeding the dog and how to treat him. Tell them that dogs should be alone when eating and sleeping.

Festive flowers

Most people use different flowers and plants to beautify their homes, but unfortunately, many are poisonous and deadly to dogs. For example, poinsettia causes heartburn and mouth, holly berry and European mistletoe cause stomach upset. American mistletoe is also a very poisonous plant. Ivy also causes skin diseases and irritations such as contact dermatitis. 

Dog care 

Dogs need care and attention. You need to monitor their eating and daily activities during the day, such as playing and walking. If you don’t have time at Christmas, you can ask someone to take care of your dog and pet him. You can leave this task to children. Giving them responsibility and creating a pleasant feeling in children also makes dogs happy and cheerful.

Dog biting in Christmas

These days the houses are very glamorous and crowded. Various guests have come to your house with different children, some of whom your dog has never seen. The whole house is full of food and decorations that your dog cannot approach. Even to the Christmas tree! Also, the air is cold, and the adults are all trying and running. So they are probably oblivious to walking and other important tasks. So dogs may bite others to indicate that they also need attention.

Preventing biting

  • Performing activities and routine needs of dogs such as exercise, nutritional attention, etc.
  • Monitoring communication between children and dogs and trying to keep them separate
  • By body language such as licking lips, yawning, tension, worrying, hiding, or staying out of the crowd, recognize signs of stress and excitement in dogs.
  • Avoid violent behaviour with dogs, such as grabbing or hugging and playing violently.
  • Create a safe environment to avoid clutter and noise

Christmas is a big and memorable holiday. But the hustle and bustle of these days should never distract you from the routine care of your dogs. Teach family members how to treat your furry friend these days. Don’t forget that dogs need love and caress in addition to care, feeding and walking. Treat them as family members and give them gifts. We hope you enjoy a good Christmas with your family by following the tips above. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming and much more. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have groomed your dogs carefully and accurately to count the moments for the next session.

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