Lethargy in dogs; A simple but very dangerous sign! (Part 4)

In the previous parts, we explained lethargy in dogs. lethargy can be caused by different diseases and for many reasons. Adequate sleep for dogs depends on a number of factors, which can vary from 12 to 14 hours. If, in addition, the amount of sleep your dog feels lethargic and weak, it could be the cause of a problem or illness that we have already described in detail. We also explained your performance in these moments, diagnosing the main cause of lethargy in dogs and how to treat this problem. In this section, we will discuss exercise alternatives, the cause of fatigue and weakness in female dogs and after vaccination.

Exercise Alternatives

If your dog can no longer do strenuous activity and exercise, you will have to find another way to control his weight because being overweight will cause him a lot of problems. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian about this problem. He may prescribe a special diet or give him something that prevents the accumulation of fat in the body. Eating foods that are appropriate for your dog’s age can also help control his weight.

Of course, poor nutrition and the fact that the dog doesn’t receive the necessary substances to maintain his energy level can also be the reason for the dog’s lethargy. In any case, you should consult your veterinarian about feeding your dog. Based on your dog’s condition, these experts suggest a scientific, accurate and balanced diet plan to help you minimize the problems and diseases of dogs caused by improper nutrition.

Cause of fatigue and weakness of the female dog

In addition to the above, female dogs may sometimes become weak and lethargic. If you have an adult female dog that hasn’t yet been spayed, she may become lethargic during estrus (or dog period) or after mating. Female dogs may show different reactions to the body during estrus that need to be mated. One dog may become aggressive and violent, while another dog may become weak and lethargic.

Female dogs also become weak and lethargic after mating due to hormonal changes that have taken place in their bodies and tend to sleep and rest more. Of course, veterinarians recommend that you sterilize your dog before the first signs of estrus. Dog sterilization has many benefits for the health and longevity of the dog and prevents many diseases.

Lethargy in dogs after vaccination

Vaccination is essential for the health and longevity of dogs and every responsible person should vaccinate their dog. One of the most common and safe side effects of vaccination is weakness and lethargy. When you bring your dog home from the clinic, your dog may become weak, lethargic, lacking in appetite, and so on. These symptoms usually last for 24 to 48 hours after vaccination and then resolve on their own. So if your dog has just been vaccinated and is lethargic, don’t worry. But if these symptoms last for more than 48 hours, be sure to tell your veterinarian.

A dog’s level of activity can be an important indicator of his health. That’s why you should always pay attention to the amount of activity your dog has to be able to recognize if he’s the same as before. The best way to do this is to play or walk with him regularly. The cause of a dog’s lethargy can be related to some dangerous diseases. If you quickly notice your dog’s problem, you can diagnose his disease in time and in the early steps. Therefore, treating the dog’s lethargy is easier and even your dog may be rescued from death. Be sure to pay attention to any unusual behaviour of your dog, especially if it’s repeated several times or lasts more than one or two days.

You know your dog better than anyone and you should be able to understand if something is wrong. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming and much more. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have groomed your dogs carefully and accurately to count the moments for the next session


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