The Best Food for a Dog to Gain Weight

A dog’s average height and weight varies between different breeds and depending on his age. One of the most effective ways to help your dog grow is to feed him more. If your dog is free of parasites, adjust the amount of food you give him so that he reaches the ideal weight and body condition. After consulting the veterinarian about the amount of food and the proper diet, follow the right food plan to achieve results. Stay tuned to this article to learn the types of food to make a dog gain weight and the essential principles in this field. Of course, all these contents are general; if you see any unusual symptoms, you should see a veterinarian.

How to make a dog gain weight?

Using food to make dog fat is a standard and efficient method. Food improves his weight if your dog isn’t underweight due to disease. It’s good to measure the meals you give to your dog in terms of volume and weight so that you can have accurate statistics. In such cases, you should provide nutritious and balanced food to your dog. If he needs more calories, ensure those calories come from healthy foods instead of treats and snacks. Using any food to make a dog fat isn’t correct. Dogs are energetic creatures, so you need to feed them food that provides them with the energy they need for their daily activities. So, consult a veterinarian and choose a food that has enough power.

What is the best high-energy food for dogs?

Nutrition is directly related to the physical health of the dog. Dogs need all food groups, water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Of course, remember that the amounts and ratios they need differ entirely from humans. Many people want to prepare good foods for their dogs that will give them energy throughout the day. The best energy-rich foods you can prepare for dogs include meat, cabbage, rice, carrots, and fats. Remember to provide your pet with clean water during the day because water also plays a vital role in providing energy to the dog.

What are the nutrients required for dog food?

To take care of one of these lovely pets, it’s better to know that you should pay special attention to his nutrition because their nutrition is related to the dog’s longevity and physical health. The nutrients needed to prepare suitable food for dogs should include water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. These essential nutrients are considered an important part of preparing appropriate dog food, which is involved in all the vital functions of his body.

What is the best high-energy food for puppies to grow up with?

If you are keeping a puppy, it’s better to know that puppies under one year need more nutrients than adult dogs. Suppose you’re planning to prepare a food plan for your puppy. In that case, it’s better to know that the best foods that are suitable for his growth to gain weight and to include in your puppy’s diet are: protein, such as chicken, turkey, fish, and lean beef; carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, such as peas, green beans, carrots, and mineral vitamin supplements. Of course, remember to use enough of each and avoid using too much of them.

The best food for puppies to gain weight 

Like humans, dogs need all the food groups: water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. But their required amounts and proportions are entirely different from ours. Each stage of a dog’s life also requires a different nutritional balance. There are many factors to consider, such as breed and size. Another critical point that may be trivial but not observed by some people is that we should give him exceptional dog food and know the difference between dry dog food and cat food.

The primary and essential elements of a puppy’s diet

Puppies under one year of age need much more nutrients than adult dogs. The dry or canned food you prepare should be selected according to the dog’s age group. When buying, you should remember to pay attention to the ingredients list. It’s good that the food you prepare has a good percentage of each nutrient group. But what should you look for in this table? In this section, we would like to introduce these materials to you.


Water is vital to your puppy’s metabolism. Their body is about 70% water. As you know, puppies lose a lot of water daily, so they must replace it regularly. Therefore, having a bowl of water is essential. Water is better for your puppy than cow’s milk because milk can cause diarrhea in them.


Protein is muscle food. Although grains, rice, and potatoes contain a fair amount of it, meat is the most concentrated source of protein and the easiest way to get your puppy growing fast.

Essential fats

Fat provides energy for puppies and helps them absorb vitamins. In addition, it helps the health of the skin and hair. Using more fat means your puppy needs more food to get the other nutrients. This is also considered an obesity guideline.


Carbohydrates are a vital source of energy. In nature, a dog may get them from fruits and vegetables. This substance is prepared from semi-prepared rice, cereal, and pasta in dog food. Regarding puppies, you should know that they need two times more of this substance than adult dogs.

Essential minerals

Minerals enable your puppy to grow. All puppies need calcium and phosphorus for bone and muscle growth and iron for healthy red blood cells. But calcium-rich foods often contain dangerous amounts of phosphorus. Therefore, you should be very careful and attentive in preparing healthy nutrition.


Vitamins are essential for a healthy metabolism. Vitamin A is vital for vision, vitamin B for nerves, and vitamin D for bones. While vitamin E protects the skin, and vitamin K supports blood coagulation. But unlike us, dogs can’t metabolize vitamin C.


Fibers are indigestible plant matter which keeps the dog in a stable state. As much as this substance is necessary, it shouldn’t take up much of the puppies’ diet. Lack of fiber leads to constipation. This situation isn’t pleasant for puppies at all.

Pay attention to keeping the dog at an ideal weight

According to statistics, 60% of pets who visit a veterinarian suffer from being overweight. When we talk about obesity and weight gain in this article, we’re referring to underweight dogs due to illness or nutritional problems. Of course, dogs should be fit like humans. So read on to find out how dogs stay in a healthy weight and condition.

Dogs must have a controlled diet.

Most dogs’ bodies function best when fed a controlled diet. The dog will be healthy if you can follow a proper diet and a detailed meal plan, adjusting daily food according to age, weight, and activity level. If you’re unsure what the appropriate schedule is, check with your vet or follow the directions on the food package. Never fill the food bowl outside of meal time. Because when dogs are bored, they eat for no reason. By instinct, dogs are scavengers. They never know when their next meal will come, so they overeat.

Don’t give your food to the dog.

Mixing dog food and human food is one of the worst diets for your dog. First, not all human food is safe for pets, and some can be fatal. It’s better to be familiar with harmful dog foods. Dog food is nutritionally balanced, so replacing it with human food isn’t right. Too much human food can lead to undernourishment or excess intake of certain nutrients by the pet. You should also avoid feeding dogs a raw diet, where meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables are served raw.

Consider seasonal conditions

Your dog may be more active in a particular season. For example, during the summer, he comes for walks with you, or during the winter, he is at home most of the time, changing the feeding amount according to the conditions. Active dogs need more food. Equal nutrition can cause weight gain in winter.

Weigh your dog

You should keep track of your dog’s weight. This is more difficult to do with older dogs, who may need to see a vet to get an accurate weight. But for smaller pets, it’s easy to use a home scale, and keeping weight track is essential for smaller breeds. You need to know when your dog reaches from 7 kilos to 8 kilos. Such a slight weight change in dogs is like the change in human weight from 70 to 80 kilos.

 To wrap up

People are worried about their dogs’ low weight; adjusting the amount of food to make the dog fat is one of the main ways to overcome this problem. Dogs need food more than other pets due to their high activity, and if the planning of meals and their amount is out of control, it may cause them to be underweight. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. To have a healthy and lively dog, you must pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.

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