
Keeping dogs and puppies indoors has become commonplace these days. Keeping dogs has principles and rules that their owners must know and follow. From how and when to feed to symptoms and health care, these are all things you need to know to take care...

each dog's breeds have unique coats, with a distinct way of keeping and bathing them. Diseases and problems of each coat are distinctive, too. Some breeds are tough to maintain and groom, which requires a skilled groomer. Groomers identify different issues and types of coats...

If your dog hates the bath time, you are a troubled parent. Maybe it is difficult for you to imagine that you can do things to let your dog enjoy bath time. Bath time can even deepen the relationship between you two if handled with...

As family members, healthy dogs bring comfort and joy to your home. Pet parents are aware that any health condition of a dog can lead to more complicated health issues for the rest of the family. One of the ways you can ensure your dog stays...

Naturally, dogs under 2 don't need to a bath, because their mother does a thorough grooming for them. But if the mother is not present, it is still dangerous for the puppy to be bathed by humans, because puppies under two are prone to catching...