dog breeds

Some dogs need only moderate amounts of management, exercise, training, health care and grooming. Certainly, some working people can have good dogs, but naturally, they should keep dogs that need less care. We mentioned some of these dogs in the previous part. In this section,...

Dogs are kind and emotional creatures and become highly dependent on humans. You may have heard that dogs shouldn’t be left alone in the house for a long time, otherwise they will become sad and depressed. So what if we are employees and work out...

Great Danes have been created in such a way that they have a combination of special dignity and remarkable greatness. You will find them with extraordinary mental and physical abilities. Great Dane dogs are extremely lovable and companions for different people with different tastes. Also,...

If you are one of those people who are interested in keeping big dogs; the Green Dane dog is a good choice for you. This dog is known as the German Mastiff, too. The Green Dane is kind and gentle. He also has great grandeur...

Shar-pei is one of the most popular dogs in the world that is found in many homes. From the beginning, he was known as a farm dog that accompanies his owner in hunting. This dog is often referred to as a miniature dog because he’s...

Wrinkle dogs are quiet and we can even keep them in the apartment. These dogs are mostly good guards, and their independent personality sometimes causes them to be isolated. Shar-Pei dogs like to spend most of their time with humans and be with their owners....

The Chinese Shar-Pei dog, also known as the Wrinkle Dog, was bred hundreds of years ago for guarding, hunting, herding, and later fighting. Today this dog is famous for his shiny, wrinkled skin, and his love and loyalty to the family. Shar-Pei in Chinese means...

In the previous part, we talked about different types of chihuahua dog coats and their relationship with children and other dogs. We also mentioned some of their critical genetic diseases and dental problems, and periodontal diseases in this breed. This part will explain how to...

The chihuahua is the smallest dog breed globally and is a puppet dog. His attractiveness and popularity are his small size, prominent personality, variety of colours, and types of hair cover. Chihuahuas also can compete in sports competitions and command dogs because of their remarkable...

Dogs are lovable and beautiful creatures that can make our everyday lives beautiful and exciting. But the sad thing about them is their longevity, which is usually shorter than humans. But some dogs have a longer lifespan. In the previous part, we named and explained...