Dogs’ disease

A neuron is an excitable tissue that is constantly under control. When this permanent inhibition is removed from the neuron, it may lead to seizure in dogs. A dog's seizure can be mild, short-term, severe, and long-lasting. You can often quickly diagnose and treat it...

Dogs, like humans, are at risk of various types of cancer, including lymphoma and breast cancer. The good news is that the same treatments used to treat human cancer are also available for pets with veterinary oncology. Therefore, there's great hope for treating your dog's...

When the American Pit Bull Terrier is well-bred and properly socialized, he becomes a kind and friendly dog and communicates well with humans. Due to their high energy and strength, these dogs aren't suitable for everyone. But if you decide that a pit bulldog is...

Popular pets such as dogs, which are kept in large numbers and breeds, are more susceptible to disease. If you're a pet dog owner, this article can be handy for you. Because by knowing about the conditions and specific symptoms of each one in dogs,...

Borrelia bacteria cause Lyme disease in dogs. These bacteria are transmitted to dogs by the Ixodes tick, the black-legged or the deer tick. Severe symptoms can include joint pain, lameness, fever, and more. Timely diagnosis and treatment of this disease are necessary. Untreated or severe...

There are so many pretty and cute dogs in the world that people like to have them. This funny and kind creatures are parts of all families. In this article, we will introduce one of the most popular dog breeds in recent years, Maltese. This...

Eighty percent of dogs have at least one type of dental problem by three. Dental and gum problems can cause other diseases such as heart, kidney, or liver diseases and, in severe cases, even transmission of infection to the bone and eventually fracture the dog's...

Dogs are often panting. Especially after a long walk or playing with their toys. But this panting becomes dangerous when he has other symptoms. So it can be one of the symptoms of dog disease. Dog owners need to know when a dog is breathing...

Keeping pets at home will improve your mood. Studies have shown that keeping pets, especially dogs can cure many mental illnesses such as depression. So to take better care of them, it's better to know more about the types of dog diseases and the methods...