Dogs’ disease

In the first part, we talked about hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. We said that if the thyroid gland is overactive, it increases the body's metabolism, and if the thyroid is underactive, it reduces the metabolism. Hyperthyroidism has several symptoms, which we described in detail in the...

The thyroid gland is located in the dog's neck, producing thyroxine (T4) and other thyroid hormones. These hormones play a significant role in a dog's metabolism and can cause many problems if not created at normal levels. The pituitary gland controls thyroid function. Hypothyroidism in...

Prostate means abnormal testicular enlargement in male dogs, which mainly occurs between 6 and 9 years. Spaying dogs can prevent this disease. The last part described the treatment, symptoms, cause, diagnosis, prevention, and operation of this disease in dogs. This section will discuss herbal medicine,...

Dog prostate is one of the most common canine diseases in dogs. The prostate is the abnormal enlargement of the testicles in male dogs. In many cases, this enlargement is benign, but malignancies have also been observed with irreversible side effects. This illness is one...

Dogs, like humans, may suffer from depression. This depression can be due to the loss of a companion, relocation, the addition of something new, or any change in their normal course of life. Dog depression can have many physical and psychological signs and symptoms. The...

Dogs suffer from depression just like humans. This depression usually occurs due to a routine change, like losing a companion, changing residence, or adding something new to home appliances. This manifests itself during behavioural changes such as loss of energy, walking and loss of appetite,...

In the first part, we explained about hygroma in dogs. We said that this complication is a swelling of the tissue that contains non-infectious fluids. This problem is more common in young dogs around 6 to 18 months old. The cause of this problem is...

A hygroma is any tissue swelling containing non-infectious fluid surrounded by hard tissue. The disease can occur in many animals and cause severe problems for them. Hygroma in dogs is a chronic disease that can be difficult to treat. Of course, it can’t be considered...

Onion and garlic poisoning are some of the most common poisonings in dogs and cats. Onions and garlic are two plants in the genus Allium that belong to the Lilies family. These plants have long been used in cooking and medicine and are still widely...