
Dogs, like us humans, may become overweight with overeating and lack of exercise. Excessive weight gain in dogs leads to various diseases in dogs and threatens their lives. Learning how to control your dog's weight would be best to avoid this. Make a plan for...

The image of a muzzle on a dog often evokes uncomfortable reactions. A muzzle may be necessary for your dog, but the public view of it as a tool is frowned upon. The dog owner or trainer may consider wearing a muzzle in particular situations....

Owning a dog for the first time is exciting, but it certainly comes with many challenges. There are many different breeds, and knowing which breed is best for you can be difficult. These challenging points of caring for dogs make it hard to keep them....

If your dog sneezes a lot, it may worry you. Although it's normal for dogs to sneeze occasionally, excessive sneezing can indicate a possible illness. Continue reading the cause of dog sneezing with us to find the answer to this problem and understand when your...

Do you also like to play with your dog? Playing with dogs will strengthen your friendship and help reduce anxiety and make the dog learn more about you and be entertained and happy. Playing with the dog makes you move and exercise a little. Your...

When you walk alone or with your dog on the street, some dogs’ ears may catch your attention. Usually, dogs with sharp ears attract a lot of attention. But have you ever wondered why these dogs’ ears are so sensitive? What are its reasons? Is...

Dates and honey are two popular foods among people. It's interesting to know that dates are a tonic and anti-cancer sweet that even diabetics can eat a few. So, eating dates shouldn't be harmful to your dog. But to give them to a dog, you...

How long does the puppy breastfeed? Most puppies feed on their mother’s milk for at least eight weeks; from then on, they can eat food. But what should we do if the dog becomes an orphan or her mother doesn’t breastfeed? If he’s big enough...

A high-quality diet should contain all the essential nutrients your dog needs to maintain good health. Although supplementing your dog’s diet with oil could have benefits, there could also be side effects! So talk to a vet before adding supplements to your dog’s food. The...

Dogs may not get all their nutritional needs from daily food. So, it's sometimes necessary for these pretty friends to use some food supplements under the supervision of a veterinarian. Edible oils such as olive, fish, lavender and coconut oil are helpful oils for dogs....