
Eighty percent of dogs have at least one type of dental problem by three. Dental and gum problems can cause other diseases such as heart, kidney, or liver diseases and, in severe cases, even transmission of infection to the bone and eventually fracture the dog's...

What are the signs of a dog licking? Why do dogs lick themselves or other things? Licking is an entirely normal and necessary behavior for dogs that live with their breeds. Dogs that love each other usually do so out of love. Some dogs rub...

Dwarf dogs are very popular because of their funny gait. One of the most popular breeds of dwarf dogs is undoubtedly the Corgi. The Welsh Corgi breed is also very active, intelligent and lovable; But the breed's short legs, long ears, and attractive smile have...

Dogs are often panting. Especially after a long walk or playing with their toys. But this panting becomes dangerous when he has other symptoms. So it can be one of the symptoms of dog disease. Dog owners need to know when a dog is breathing...

We must know that keeping each breed has some difficulties. We must take good care of that dog after considering all of them. Dwarf dog breeds, despite their charm, have special conditions that should be taken into account. They’re very cute and everybody loves to...

Some vitamins and minerals for dogs are essential for their health. Vitamin deficiencies can be determined by a dog's behaviour. If the pet has a complete diet, the need for vitamins will be met in the food. And if he eats natural food, vitamin-mineral supplements...

Working people can also take care of the dog. But they should strictly avoid choosing two types of them. First energetic puppies then very smart dogs. The first case requires exercise, walking and running, and your weakness, in this case, will make him moody. Intelligent...

Some dogs need only moderate amounts of management, exercise, training, health care and grooming. Certainly, some working people can have good dogs, but naturally, they should keep dogs that need less care. We mentioned some of these dogs in the previous part. In this section,...

Dogs are kind and emotional creatures and become highly dependent on humans. You may have heard that dogs shouldn’t be left alone in the house for a long time, otherwise they will become sad and depressed. So what if we are employees and work out...

Great Danes have been created in such a way that they have a combination of special dignity and remarkable greatness. You will find them with extraordinary mental and physical abilities. Great Dane dogs are extremely lovable and companions for different people with different tastes. Also,...