
Most veterinarians hate dog gastrointestinal disease, and some call it the "mother of all dog emergencies." One of them says that 30 years ago, the probability of surviving a dog that didn’t have very severe swelling and could walk wasn’t more than 50%. Despite advances...

In the previous part, we talked about the common cold in dogs and described its various symptoms. Colds can be treated at home or with medication. Home remedies can be used to treat cold in dogs with nutritious food, disinfection of dishes, adequate rest and...

Sometimes people are surprised to hear that dogs have colds because they think colds are unique to humans. But in this regard, we must say that some animals also catch colds. But human colds are different from dogs. If this disease isn’t treated on time,...

In the first part, we talked about gastritis in dogs. Various symptoms can cause gastritis, the most important of which is vomiting. We talked about it in detail before. There are different types of this disease that are caused by different causes. Recovering from this...

Gastritis in dogs is an acute or chronic syndrome that causes vomiting and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach's swelling or inflammation in dogs can lead to gastrointestinal upset, with a wide range of symptoms. One of the most common reasons dogs sees a...

In the first part, we talked about hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. We said that if the thyroid gland is overactive, it increases the body's metabolism, and if the thyroid is underactive, it reduces the metabolism. Hyperthyroidism has several symptoms, which we described in detail in the...

The thyroid gland is located in the dog's neck, producing thyroxine (T4) and other thyroid hormones. These hormones play a significant role in a dog's metabolism and can cause many problems if not created at normal levels. The pituitary gland controls thyroid function. Hypothyroidism in...

Prostate means abnormal testicular enlargement in male dogs, which mainly occurs between 6 and 9 years. Spaying dogs can prevent this disease. The last part described the treatment, symptoms, cause, diagnosis, prevention, and operation of this disease in dogs. This section will discuss herbal medicine,...

Dog prostate is one of the most common canine diseases in dogs. The prostate is the abnormal enlargement of the testicles in male dogs. In many cases, this enlargement is benign, but malignancies have also been observed with irreversible side effects. This illness is one...

Dogs, like humans, may suffer from depression. This depression can be due to the loss of a companion, relocation, the addition of something new, or any change in their normal course of life. Dog depression can have many physical and psychological signs and symptoms. The...