
Dogs suffer from depression just like humans. This depression usually occurs due to a routine change, like losing a companion, changing residence, or adding something new to home appliances. This manifests itself during behavioural changes such as loss of energy, walking and loss of appetite,...

In the first part, we explained about hygroma in dogs. We said that this complication is a swelling of the tissue that contains non-infectious fluids. This problem is more common in young dogs around 6 to 18 months old. The cause of this problem is...

A hygroma is any tissue swelling containing non-infectious fluid surrounded by hard tissue. The disease can occur in many animals and cause severe problems for them. Hygroma in dogs is a chronic disease that can be difficult to treat. Of course, it can’t be considered...

In the previous part, we talked about different types of chihuahua dog coats and their relationship with children and other dogs. We also mentioned some of their critical genetic diseases and dental problems, and periodontal diseases in this breed. This part will explain how to...

The chihuahua is the smallest dog breed globally and is a puppet dog. His attractiveness and popularity are his small size, prominent personality, variety of colours, and types of hair cover. Chihuahuas also can compete in sports competitions and command dogs because of their remarkable...

 L-Carnitine in dogs can eliminate many body’s physiological problems and increase the food’s productivity. Therefore, its consumption is recommended in the food diets of all different breeding dogs. This nutrient is similar to vitamins. This substance is synthesized in the animal body from two essential...

Dogs are lovable and beautiful creatures that can make our everyday lives beautiful and exciting. But the sad thing about them is their longevity, which is usually shorter than humans. But some dogs have a longer lifespan. In the previous part, we named and explained...

Having a dog is one of the great joys of life. Our furry friends give us unconditional love, companionship and indescribable smiles. Of course, having a dog also has its difficulties. We can deal with sabotage and other problems. But the bitter and undeniable fact...

There are many flowers and plants around us, some of which are sometimes poisonous to dogs and cause many problems, including their death. In the previous part, we explained some of these poisonous plants such as saffron plant, kalanchoe, oleander, dieffenbachia, narcissus flower, palm tree,...

There are many types of houseplants and ornamental plants that, in addition to creating beauty and freshness, have many properties. Unfortunately, some of them are dangerous for dogs and are known as poisonous plants for dogs. They shouldn’t be as close as possible to the...