
We all love a trained and tame dog who is always obedient to us; Because, at first glance, what attracts our attention is the level of obedience and training of the dog. Sometimes, at first glance, we see dogs that, at the same time, have...

Shaking hands with dogs is a classic and cool thing. Dog’s shaking hand is very easy and you can do it easily. This training, in addition to entertaining you and your friends, is a very polite way to meet new people. Imagine that you see...

Dogs are loyal animals that have lived peacefully with us for thousands of years. As far as history goes, there’re stories of people interacting with them. There’re various theories about the history of these faithful animals' domestication, but the most authoritative theory is that we...

Training dogs is one of the essential principles of keeping them. Most people who take care of them raise this issue as their biggest problem; While sometimes, with a few simple but important tips, we can train the dog to an extraordinary level. The information...

In the first part, we explained about washing the dog after the toilet. If you don't wash them after the toilet, faeces will remain on their skin and hair, causing itching and damage to their skin. They may also spread this dirt to other parts...

After teaching the dog to the toilet, we want to know how to clean the dog after it. Because as you understand, washing the dog after the bathroom is essential. As a dog owner, it’s up to you to pay attention to it and be...

In the previous part, we explained the fantastic ways to keep dogs away from the furniture. In the first method, something is replaced. How to sleep, the dog's size, sleeping in a quiet or crowded place, choosing an utterly separate chair, using a treat or...

If you are tired of your dog jumping on furniture all the time, it’s time to train your dog to stay away from them. You can start by buying a comfortable mattress or placing some furniture for your dog. It’s better to protect your furniture...