
In the previous part, we described the behavioural problems of dogs. We said that if you don't stop some of the dogs' behaviours, they can become a severe problem and endanger the health of the dog and others. We have already explained the formation of...

Maybe you have just gotten a dog, or you wish you could better manage your dog's behavioural problems. You should know that recognizing most dogs’ behavioural problems is the first step in eliminating and preventing them. Most dog owners are familiar with typical behavioural problems....

If you keep a dog, you must first buy the dog supplies such as the dog crate. Its selection should be appropriate to the size, body and weight of the dog to work well. On the other hand, the sleeping place should be completely comfortable...

You must have seen dog training videos that the dog trainers press a clicker whenever the dog does the right thing. What is a dog clicker, and what effect do you think this device has on dog training? Do dog owners need to use it?...

One of the necessary and vital tools for keeping a dog is a dog fence. The idea of ​​"limiting the dog space" may seem cruel to you, and you may prefer your cute puppy to walk around the house and be comfortable. But you should...

All dog breeds were used in the past as guard dog. Training guard dogs is one of the most common uses for humans, which has several points. Guard dogs are one of man's closest mutual friends. These dogs are among the most popular dogs that...

Dog barking is their way of communicating. But in many cases, this barking becomes annoying and uncontrollable. Unfortunately, many dogs were abandoned and lost their homes because they barked a lot! But dog barking isn’t an acute behavioural problem, and by doing some simple training,...

Dogs are amazing creatures, and some of their skills seem almost supernatural. They can understand things beyond human comprehension. For example, they can smell and hear sounds beyond our voice. So lots of people use dogs as a way to distinguish earthquake time. Around 373...

You have a long and hard day, and you drive home in a traffic jam. Thirty minutes later, you’re finally home. Then you will see the pure joyful eyes of your little furry friend getting closer and closer. Suddenly you are overwhelmed with joy, and...

It has long been said that dogs are man's best friend, and according to a new study in the United States, dogs seem to be trying to keep this intimate relationship and are "jealous" of it. Two things are essential for dogs: food and attention;...