Dog’s Thinness; Causes And Treatment

A dog’s thinness causes a lot of problems and is troublesome as dog obesity. So we should be careful about it, too. In this article, the issues and problems that cause weight loss and thinness of the dog have been discussed first, and then solutions have been given to make the dog fat, and ways to increase the dog’s weight have been given to you. Here you can also learn how to make healthy and nutritious food for your beloved dog. So stay tuned to the end.

Knowing a dog’s thinness or obesity

First, look at your dog and check his belly. Then put your hands on his back. Move the thumbs along the spine and place the other fingers on the ribs. You should feel the ribs under your fingers without too much pressure, but you shouldn’t be able to see them. If the ribs can be seen with the eyes, the dog is thin, otherwise, the dog is fat.

Having a big dog

While obesity is the most important concern of dog owners, in some cases, they want their dogs to become fat and bulky. Underweight dogs may be susceptible to diseases and become weak. If a dog doesn’t get the calories and energy he needs daily, he will gradually become depleted and weak. 

Increasing the dog’s weight seems to be an easy task. But it’s important to do it right. Gaining weight that doesn’t harm the dog’s health isn’t just about giving him fatty foods. If you only give fatty food to your dog, his fat mass will increase, while a balance must be established between the increase of fat and muscle tissue. So, before making any diet changes, be sure to consult a veterinarian familiar with dog nutrition to provide you with the best options. 

Finding a dog’s thinness Problem

The first step to gaining weight in a dog is to find a problem that causes him to lose weight or not gain weight. Finding the problem can be the key to solving it. If you have just taken care of your dog, the most important cause of his underweight can be malnutrition.

The disease 

If the dog’s stomach has a problem, he will stop eating. Although after a few days, his appetite may return to some extent. If your dog has lost a lot of weight in a short period, there’s probably a more serious problem. One of the most common causes of these is parasitic infections. Worms can be spread through food and water contaminated with parasite eggs that are passed through the faeces. Your dog may be infected with worms without you knowing it. Most worms can appear in dog faeces months later. Worms can absorb a large amount of nutrients that are important to your dog’s survival. If you suspect that your dog’s weight loss or lack of weight gain is due to diseases, refer him to a veterinarian immediately.

Inappropriate dog food

Dog nutrition plays a very important role in his health. The food you provide to your dog must be of high quality and provide all the nutritional needs of his body. Elements such as corn and soy aren’t suitable for dogs. These ingredients are used in cheap foods instead of protein sources. Even if the dog eats such foods, they still can’t satisfy his needs.

Behavioural problems

If your dog completely refuses to eat food, you should monitor his behaviour. Some dogs are very picky eaters. They may get tired of the food you always give them or they may not like some of the ingredients in it. If this is the problem, you should change his food so that he finds his favourite food. Or you can add ingredients that make the food tasty. Another issue that can affect your dog’s appetite is depression and anxiety. Dogs may experience a range of emotions. some of which can cause lethargy and loss of appetite.

Set a goal before starting to gain weight for the dog’s thinness

Before you start the dog weight gain process, you need to know what weight you want to reach. The best and healthiest weight for your dog depends on his breed. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to start gaining weight without a plan. Remember that they are creatures that need to be planned for their weight gain, just like humans.

Increase the dog’s calorie intake to treat the dog’s thinness

The easiest way is to increase the dog’s calorie intake. After a few weeks and months, you will see that your dog’s weight has increased. Increase calories and energy in food a little and slowly and avoid quick results.

Start your dog’s weight gain process slowly

To make sure your dog gains a healthy weight, you need to start this process slowly. Eating too much food can harm his health. It causes the refeeding syndrome. This problem means that if dogs suffering from malnutrition are suddenly provided with sufficient and high-quality food, their bodies may not be able to use these nutrients and may suffer from hormonal and electrolyte imbalances. To start, estimate the number of calories he is getting now and increase it by 10%. Continue with the same amount of calories for at least a week. After this period, check the behaviour and progress. Also, check the state of the dog’s faeces to make sure that you have provided him with healthy food. After the first week, you can add another 10% to the food calories. You can do this calorie increase in one-week intervals until you reach the best and healthiest amount of calories.

Food which makes a dog fat

High-quality foods contain more nutrients per serving than cheaper foods. Use foods that have more protein. Of course, not only protein is important, but also the source of this protein should be beef, chicken, lamb or fish. Proteins whose main source is meat have more amino acids than other sources such as plants.

Dog weight gain supplement

You can add nutritional supplements to the food that the dog normally eats. These supplements can provide calories and other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Giving some wet food along with dry food will improve the taste of the food and ensure its nutrients. You can also add boiled pieces of meat or chicken to this dry food. Foods or supplements that are rich in group B vitamins are very useful. Vitamin B breaks down food into usable energy for the body. Foods that contain B vitamins include eggs and liver. 

Using homemade foods to strengthen skinny dogs

Although commercial foods designed for dogs are very suitable, homemade food is still worth using. When you use homemade food, you can add whatever you feel your dog needs to his food. You can use different recipes (mixtures) that are used for dogs that are gaining weight.

Homemade food recipe for dog’s thinness

  • 10 pounds of sliced veal
  • Cheese 4% local fat 4 kg
  • 500 grams of cream cheese
  • 1 and a quarter cups of olive oil
  • 1 and a half cups of molasses
  • 10 raw eggs
  • 10 packets of gelatin without smell and fragrance
  • Some salt

Put all these ingredients in a large container. It’s better to put the eggshell in the container as well, this shell can provide calcium for the dog. Stir the mixture completely and then cut it into 2.5 cm pieces and put it in the freezer. The recipe is ready to use. Take it out of the freezer, melt it and give it to your dog.

Eat more meals to treat dog’s thinness

Increasing the meals and dividing the daily food into more meals is another way to increase the dog’s weight. Especially if your dog has a low appetite. Smaller meals increase your dog’s energy metabolism. Also, when the meals are increased, the dogs will be more eager and excited for the new meal. This feature is very useful for dogs who are picky eaters. When you increase the meals, they should be at a certain time of the day so that the dog gets used to them. Because when there’s a regular and specific time, dogs will get hungry at the same time and consume all the food.

Exercising, a dog weight gain method

Your dog needs daily exercise to stay healthy. When the process of gaining weight begins, this extra food should also coincide with the building of muscles. Skinny dogs have fewer muscles, so they need to exercise to become strong. When you increase the calories and protein in your dog’s food, they will be used as fuel to grow the dog’s muscles. In addition to muscle growth, exercise also improves their mood and behaviour.  Sad dogs don’t eat food. Exercise and recreation for dogs are very good ways to eliminate stress and anxiety in them.

To wrap up

Dogs need special attention and care. When you take on the responsibility of taking care of a dog, you must know that you have accepted a difficult responsibility and you must be able to do it. Sometimes it’s necessary to take steps to make the dog gain weight or lose weight. To have a healthy and lively dog, you must pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. You can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming in all these steps. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.

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