Introducing the Belgian Malinois Dog Breed

The Belgian Malinois dog breed is one of the four Belgian shepherd dogs and looks very similar to the German Shepherd. This dog is suitable for security and guard dogs due to his agile, trained body and moral qualities. In this article, we would like to introduce this dog breed to you and discuss his history, appearance, temperament, and how to care for him. So stay tuned.

Physical features


Males 61-66 cm and females 61-56 cm


Males 25-30 kg and females 22-25 kg


bold fawn with black patches on the back, mahogany with black patches.

Belgian Malinois Lifespan

Several factors, such as nutrition and maintenance conditions, affect a dog’s life; But in general, this breed lives for about 12-14 years in suitable conditions.

Belgian Malinois History

Malinois is a medium-sized and short-sized dog, considered a shepherd dog initially. This dog looks very similar to the German Shepherd, and many confuse these two. But the Malinois has a more fine bone structure, less weight, and a more delicate and shaved body, especially the head. Malinois originates from the city of Malin in Belgium, and that’s why he’s named Malinois (that is, belonging to Malin). This breed is still a rare dog in America, But he’s extremely popular in Belgium. Malinois is one of the four Belgian shepherd dogs:

  • Belgian Malinois
  • Belgian Tervuren
  • Belgian Groenendael
  • And the less famous breed of Belgian Laekenois

The Kennel Club (AKC) has recognised all four breeds as separate and pure since 1959, But Malinois is much more popular and famous.

Temperament and characteristics of the Belgian Malinois dog

If you just want “a dog”, Malinois isn’t the right choice for you! Because of his high abilities, this dog is used in jobs such as police, search and rescue, bomb detection and tracking, watchdog and guard, hunting dog and even a companion dog for blind people. This dog is intelligent and energetic and needs regular physical and mental activity. These dogs are vigilant, intelligent and serious and need an experienced owner who has a strong personality and can train them well.

Malinois dogs don’t have a good relationship with strangers, and you should be careful when dealing with other dogs and animals. Of course, this dog has high protection and guarding instinct, and if he’s trained well, he can become a perfect family dog ​​and companion. Of course, be aware that, in general, large breed and guard dogs should never be left alone with small children, and adults should supervise their behaviour and interactions with each other.

Interesting facts about the Belgian Malinois dog breed

  • The Belgian Malinois dog is named after his hometown of Malin in Belgium. 
  • This dog was initially created as a herding and shepherd dog. But later, due to his many abilities, he was used in various jobs as a police Malinois dog, rescue dog, companion dog, Malinois guard dog, etc. 
  • The Belgian Malinois dog has a long history in the police force and has been added to the New York City Police Force since 1908.
  • These dogs performed many services in the First World War, worked as messengers and rescue dogs in the Red Cross, and saved many people’s lives.
  • Unlike many dog ​​breeds with two types, short-haired and long-haired, the purebred Malinois dog breed exists only in short-haired.
  • These dogs are responsible for protecting and guarding the White House!
  • Malinois is one of the strongest and healthiest dog breeds and has no particular breed disease.
  • This dog is very similar in appearance and behaviour to the German Shepherd, But due to his lighter weight and greater agility, he’s used more in military operations.
  • It’s interesting to know that they’re used more in military parachute operations; Because they’re lighter, and paratroopers can do free falls with them more easily. However, you can train these dogs to free fall with a parachute themselves!

Belgian Malinois dog training

This breed is very energetic, and a simple and short walk isn’t enough for them. Malinois need at least 2 hours of exercise and mental activities per day. These dogs like to be constantly moving and active, So they have a particular behaviour that even when they aren’t moving, they keep circling and don’t stop! These dogs are brilliant and understand your meaning easily. Therefore, they’re entirely trainable. But their upbringing and education aren’t everyone’s job! Because they don’t accept being the boss of anyone quickly.

To train Malinois dogs, his owner must have good experience in keeping and training a dog and know how to behave appropriately and prepare a guard dog. Moreover, he must have a strong character and train the dog the right way with seriousness (not punishment and fighting). In this case, Malinois accepts his presidency and listens to him.

This dog can’t be trained by punishment, fighting and yelling, and it will have a terrible effect on your relationships. He also likes to be in contact with you and other family members, which isn’t a good option for those who are away from home for long hours or constantly travelling. Belgian Malinois dogs need socialization from a young age to behave well with strangers and other animals as adults.

Belgian Malinois dog maintenance principles

This breed is very adaptable and resistant and can live in any environment. Even if he has enough daily activities, he can live in a house and apartment. Malinois like cold and cool weather but adapt well to warmer weather conditions. Although these dogs are guard dogs, they must be part of the family and live in your home.

Keeping a Belgian Malinois dog breed in the apartment

This dog can live a good life in an apartment as long as he’s sufficiently active. Of course, Malinois is one of the most energetic dogs, and the best situation for him is to have a medium-sized yard. The Malinois breed prefers cool weather but can adapt to any weather conditions. You can always keep Malinois outside, But he likes to be with you and family members and hang out with people.

Keeping Malinois puppies

Puppies need different activities and training. From 9 weeks to 4 months, they should be in contact with people, dogs and other animals to learn the necessary training and socialize well. From 4 to 6 months, obedience and training, daily walking of about 1 km and playing and outdoor activities are essential.

From 6 months to 1 year old, games like fetch, ball and Frisbee drain their energy well and keep their body and mind busy. You must use exceptional puppy food to feed your puppy; Because puppies are growing and need more nutrients.


Large breed dogs also have a large appetite and need high-quality and nutritious food to provide the energy they need. This breed needs more protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals than the small breed. This dog’s food varies according to age, metabolism, health status and activity level. In this case, it’s better to consult a veterinarian. But in general, Malinois need 2-3 cups of high-quality dry food daily, and you should give this amount of food to them in two meals. These dogs have a big appetite, and if you don’t take care of their food, they may become obese and overweight.


This breed has short hair and doesn’t need much care, and brushing once a week is enough. Regarding washing and bathing, bathe your dog whenever necessary! Because washing destroys the waterproof property of the dog’s hair. In general, this breed doesn’t shed a lot of hair; But twice a year (early spring and early autumn), there will be a lot of shedding. In these cases, it’s better to brush his hair several times a week to remove excess hair and shed less on the surface of the house.

This breed has strong and healthy teeth, but it is recommended to brush his teeth 2-3 times a week with a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs. You should clean his ears and eyes every week. Nails should be cut every 2-3 months so they aren’t too long or break.


The Belgian Malinois dog breed is one of the healthiest and isn’t threatened by specific breed diseases. But some diseases and behavioural problems may be seen in this breed, such as skin allergies, eye problems, excessive isolation, excessive aggression, and sometimes hip and shoulder dysplasia.

To wrap up

Belgian Malinois are well-proportioned, proud and alert herding dogs. These dogs have a strong, muscular, delicate body and a natural and unadorned appearance, but as adapted dogs, they are made to work hard for their food. The main characteristic of this breed is the proud way they hold their heads. If this popular breed is underworked and neglected, it will face problems. Exercise, preferably with an encouraging owner, is the key to the happiness of this breed. To have a healthy and lively dog, you need to pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. In all these steps, you can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.

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