
If your dog's movements and walking are very slow, tired, or not as interested in playing as before, it’s probably not due to laziness. Dogs that are lethargic or unable to run and exercise may have an underlying problem, such as heart disease. Sometimes lethargy...

Shaking hands with dogs is a classic and cool thing. Dog’s shaking hand is very easy and you can do it easily. This training, in addition to entertaining you and your friends, is a very polite way to meet new people. Imagine that you see...

Dogs are loyal animals that have lived peacefully with us for thousands of years. As far as history goes, there’re stories of people interacting with them. There’re various theories about the history of these faithful animals' domestication, but the most authoritative theory is that we...

In the previous part, we talked about swelling in dogs. The disease is contagious in many breeds and, in some cases, leads to their death. We have already described the disease and its symptoms in detail. We also named the species that are most prone...

Most veterinarians hate dog gastrointestinal disease, and some call it the "mother of all dog emergencies." One of them says that 30 years ago, the probability of surviving a dog that didn’t have very severe swelling and could walk wasn’t more than 50%. Despite advances...

In the previous parts, we explained the importance of brushing in dogs. We said that if you ignore dogs' brushing, they will get various diseases such as periodontal disease or gingivitis. We also explained the best time and duration of brushing. There are many tips...

We explained brushing a dog's teeth and its importance in the first part. Dogs need to be accustomed to brushing from an early age, or they will develop periodontal disease or gingivitis. Plaque also causes bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay. We have already...