dog food Tag

Every dog has different nutritional needs, and senior dogs are no exception. As your beloved dog ages, he becomes harder to understand his dietary needs. Senior dogs can often create challenges and questions for their owners. For example, what is the right food for an...

A high-quality diet should contain all the essential nutrients your dog needs to maintain good health. Although supplementing your dog’s diet with oil could have benefits, there could also be side effects! So talk to a vet before adding supplements to your dog’s food. The...

Dogs may not get all their nutritional needs from daily food. So, it's sometimes necessary for these pretty friends to use some food supplements under the supervision of a veterinarian. Edible oils such as olive, fish, lavender and coconut oil are helpful oils for dogs....

Rice is one of the most widely used food items on every table. These tiny grains are full of energy, but the important thing for dog owners is whether rice is good or harmful. If they can eat, which rice can be helpful for them?...

Keeping dogs has become trendy among people interested in supporting and caring for them. But to keep these lovely creatures, it should be noted that interest alone isn’t a solid reason to keep them at home. Owning a pet has its problems and requires spending...

A dog's average height and weight varies between different breeds and depending on his age. One of the most effective ways to help your dog grow is to feed him more. If your dog is free of parasites, adjust the amount of food you give...

Is egg cholesterol harmful to dogs? Dogs, as you know, are very curious and voracious eaters, and they like to test any food we eat. One of the foods that are attractive to them is eggs. Most dog owners want to know if dogs can...

The best time to eat ice cream is always. Ice cream is always good, and no one hates it. Dogs also love this excellent food. Every time you eat ice cream, it’s very likely that your dog will pant for a lick. But the question...

There are various food and fruit in the world which some of them are harmful and some other are good for dogs. among them we can describe apricote. The Apricot is one of the most colourful and delicious summer fruits, and many people love it. But...