The Best Dog Breed For Seniors

Usually, the elderly feel lonely more than other people and they should be given a lot of attention. Sometimes you can buy them a pet for this loneliness. One of the pets that has special and pleasant behaviour is a dog. Elderly people can communicate with all kinds of dog breeds and spend most of their time with them. Doing many daily activities like exercising with a lively dog will keep seniors lively and happy. In this article, an attempt has been made to thoroughly examine the strengths and weaknesses of keeping dogs for seniors and introduce the best dog for them.

Dogs and humans

Many people know that keeping a dog has a positive effect on their emotions and health. Being with a dog is said to reduce stress and blood pressure. Having a dog prevents anxiety and depression. In addition, exercising with a dog increases physical activity. But what are the best dogs to be with the elderly? The truth is, if you can afford a dog, any dog can suit you. However, you should choose someone that fits your lifestyle. You should also provide for his needs, such as exercise, grooming, and health.

If you have an active lifestyle and can exercise your dog, then an energetic dog is right for you. Or your family and friends can help you take care of him. Remember that you should consider 12 to 15 years to keep your furry friend. Most dogs are mature by the age of seven, but not all. Can you keep an energetic dog for the next ten years? If you can’t keep a high-energy dog for the next few years, then you should consider a lower-energy one. If your health problems don’t allow you to keep a large dog, then it’s better to keep a small one. 

You can buy an old dog If you don’t have the patience to take care of the needs of a puppy or an adult dog. Don’t forget that multi-breed dogs come in different sizes and shapes. Of course, since purebred dogs have predictable behaviours, you’ll find that some are better suited to your lifestyle. These breeds have moderate energy and are small in size. Is keeping a dog suitable for the elderly or is it harmful? Having a dog that can increase physical activity day by day will be very suitable for seniors. Older people will also be more active when they take their dogs for a walk. Physical activity helps to improve brain function, increase muscle strength and reduce the risk of diabetes.

On the other hand, with the presence of dogs, the level of socialization in seniors increases and these conversations have a great impact on their heart health. In addition, when the elderly person is busy with his dog’s work, the stress will go away from him. Caring for a pet puts a responsibility on people at retirement age so that they also feel valued in life and strive for the health of that dog. Therefore, a suitable dog will be very useful for their physical and even mental health.

Which dogs aren’t suitable for the elderly?

To choose the best dog for seniors, you should keep the following points in mind:

  • Usually, the best dog for the elderly is a dog that is calm and kind and doesn’t need strict care.
  • Dogs that are hasty and stubborn can be troublesome and it’s tough to keep them.
  • Also, dogs that have a lot of energy and are playful reduce the strength of the elderly and make them tired.
  • Those dogs that need special care in hygiene and personal work are also not suitable for elderly people. These dogs are prone to skin diseases and infections and may spread various diseases to the elderly.
  • Dogs that are hard to train and don’t have a proper relationship with humans, can’t influence the spirits of elderly people and help their health. In addition, they endanger the mental and physical health of the elderly.

Top dog breeds for seniors

If you choose dogs for the elderly that communicate more with humans and require less care than other breeds, it can greatly help their mental and physical health. Some of these dogs are introduced below:

Bichon Frise

This beautiful and sweet dog can be a good companion for you. This small dog weighing 3.5 to 6 kg is easy to carry and train. Although you should brush the Bichon Frise regularly, he requires little care. Many Bichon owners entrust these dogs to a special groomer once or twice a month. Moderate exercise can keep these dogs healthy and provide them with happiness.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a popular little dog that is both affectionate and adaptable. This little dog is happier than ever with his owner. Its weight is between 5.5 and 9 kg and it’s easily trained. This dog needs care: hair brushing, ear cleaning and grooming. But he’s popular among people who are interested in small dogs.

French bulldog

You will never be sad around this beautiful dog. French bulldogs are among the happiest breeds possible. These strong, muscular and active dogs, weigh around 8.5 to 14 kg. Although they have high energy, these furry friends have a low tolerance threshold. For this reason, daily activity is necessary for them. They should also be groomed like other dogs. But you should watch out for brachycephalic syndrome and various skin diseases.


How can a racing dog be a suitable dog for seniors? You may be surprised to know that greyhounds aren’t very energetic. Although they like daily walks, they mostly like to snuggle up next to their owner. These dogs weigh 30 to 40 kg and are easy to train. If you like to have a big dog but are afraid of keeping him, this dog is perfect for you.


This dog, like the Bichon, is a beautiful little dog that likes to be with its owner and take short and easy walks. His maintenance is the same as Bichon and you should leave him to a special groomer from time to time. It’s easy to train this dog. Seniors can easily maintain this breed with a weight of 2 to 3.5 kg. You can even carry him in your bag.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

If you like to have a small to medium dog to keep you company, this dog is suitable for you. Welch is small with a weight of 12 to 15 kg and is easy to maintain. These dogs are smart and easy to train. The short legs of these dogs make them cuter. Although this dog has high energy, daily walks are enough for him. This dog doesn’t need much brushing and grooming and is easy to maintain.


Do you like small dogs? This dog with a weight of 1.5 to 3.5 kg is easily stored and fits in your bag. This breed is a kind and happy companion that enjoys being with you and playing with toys. This dog loves being with his owner very much.


A poodle is one of the smartest possible dogs and one of the most popular breeds. Especially since you can choose the size yourself. Whether you choose a small toy poodle, a miniature poodle or a larger standard poodle, this dog is a loyal and affectionate creature. This dog is quickly trained and can do different things. These dogs need to be brushed every month or two, yet they are easy to maintain.

Shih Tzu

Another popular small dog that weighs 4.5 to 8 kg is Shih Tzu. He’s also easy to maintain. Although some of them are evil, they are generally easy to train. Daily walks and regular cleaning are essential issues of this breed. This dog is susceptible to skin problems and brachycephalic syndrome, but the ratio is lower than the French bulldog.

West Highland White Terrier

Another small white dog that is the best companion for the elderly due to his easy maintenance is the west highland white terrier. This breed is very small with a weight of 6.5 to 10 kg, but he isn’t as sensitive as the Maltese and Pomeranian breeds. Although this dog needs to be brushed regularly, he doesn’t need as much care as other dogs on this list. This dog is generally friendly and easy to care for.


The size of this breed of dog is very large and their weight is high. However, Salukis are easily trained and controllable. They are very fond of snuggling next to their owner and are calm dogs. In addition, these furry friends need to walk and run and cause physical activity of their owner.

Choosing the right dog

Remember, choosing a suitable dog shouldn’t be limited only to the breed. Each dog has his characteristics and basic needs. If you have an adult dog, it’s easier to understand his needs and behaviour. Before bringing a dog home, get to know him well. In this case, you won’t face unexpected problems during maintenance.

To wrap up

Seniors can keep calm and kind dogs at home to fill their time and feel important. These dogs will make them more alive, happy and healthy. To have a healthy and lively dog, you must pay attention to nutrition, activity, health, grooming, etc. You can prevent the disease and have a healthy dog in this case. You can count on the specialized team of MishkaGrooming in all these steps. Our experienced and precise groomers have carefully and accurately groomed your dogs so they count the moments for the next session.

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