How to Walk Your Dog the Best Way?

All dogs, in any size and of any breed, need a daily walk. Walking your dog is one of the most important tasks you need to take when training your dog. You, as the parent of your dog, must walk them every day to make sure they stay healthy and release their energy. West Hampstead, London, is a great place to walk your dog with the best dogs’ grooming shops around.

But it would help if you learned to walk your dog correctly. Let’s read to learn how to walk your dog the best way.

How to Walk Your Dog the Best Way?

Walk ahead

In a proper way, your dog must walk next to you or follow you. A dog must never go ahead of you. It may look strange at first, but the fact is that the dog instinctively looks at you as the leader. And the leader must walk ahead. So, if you want to be the boss, you need to walk before your dog.

Call your dog

When getting ready for a walk, call your dog to come to you for wearing the collar. You should never walk to them to put the collar on. After the dog is next to you, ask them to be calm and put the collar around their neck. You should never do this by force. But invite them to be calm by calling their name in a low and kind tone.

Leave the house

Go to the entrance door with your dog and open the door. Don’t let your dog leave the house unless you allow them. So invite your dog to sit calm until you let them go out. When your dog is seated calm, it is time to leave the house.

Don’t pull

the collar must be placed on the top of our dog’s neck. It must feel comfortable. Don’t pull your dog, nor let your dog pull you. If they started to pull, you pull the dog to the opposite side so that they will stop and sit.

Don’t let your dog poop where they want

Your dog shouldn’t poop freely where they want. You should decide where a proper place is for pooping. You can let your dog sniff around and find the right place, but you should determine whether the stop is suitable for pooping or not.

Ignore the distractions

While walking with your dog, if you face another dog barking or any other kinds of distractions, ignore them. Keep on walking, and if your dog was distracted, pull the collar gently so that you will gain their attention again. If your dog is distracted again, make them sit, and talk to them. Pat on them and help them to gain focus again.

Walk Confidently

A dog can say if you are walking with confidence or not, and this can affect their expectations of you as their leader. So walk with high and back shoulders, high head and lifted chest, like a powerful boss.

To Wrap Up

Walking your dog can help to reduce destructive behaviour in dogs and to stay healthy. Dogs who walk daily, are at a lower risk level of depression and developing destructive behaviours. Fulfilling this need in a dog can cheer up both the parent and the dog.

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