Sick Dogs Body Language

As the parent of your dog, you know the meaning of all your dog’s behaviours. You know when they are happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, or excited. But can you tell when your dog is sick? Has your dog ever shown signs of pain that you had been able to say it immediately? If yes, then you are a super parent and can meet all your dog’s needs.

But if it has never happened to you or your dog has always been healthy, it won’t be of any harm if you get ready for a scenario in which your dog shows symptoms of pain.

Sick Dogs Body Language

Here are eight signs that tell is your dog is sick and in pain.

One: Obsessive licking

Dogs usually clean some parts of their bodies by licking them. But if you see them licking a part or all of their body obsessively, the chances are something is bothering them.

Obsessive licking can be a sign of:

  • Scratching
  • Skin allergies
  • Pain
  • Wound

Some dogs might bite themselves or pull out the hair in the part of pain and scratching. If you see such signs of obsessive licking or biting, meet a vet as soon as you can.

Two: No Licking

Sometimes it is all reversed. If your dog stops licking himself all at once, the chances are your dog is irritated by something inner.

The problem can be mental rather than physical. Because when dogs stop cleaning themselves, they most likely are feeling sad or depressed. To cheer your dog up and avoid hygiene-related problems, booking a full dog grooming session for your dog can be of so much help.

Three: Panting heavily

Dogs pant for different reasons, such as staying cool or as a result of physical activity. Another reason for panting can be stress. But if you notice heavy non-stop panting, the chances are your dog is in pain.

shallow heavy pants can be signs of:

  • Pain
  • Wound
  • Loss of blood
  • Bad nutrition

Don’t ignore such panting in your dog, or your dog might get seriously sick.

Four: Not eating

if your dog stops eating, call your vet as soon as possible. Not eating can mean a pain in the tummy, cancer or an inner wound.

This sign is so seriously dangerous if ignored.

Five: Withdrawing or retreating from other

Dogs are naturally sociable creatures. When a dog retreats from contacting those they love, you should doubt hos physical and mental health.

Sometimes depression can cause this behaviour, and sometimes low physical health makes your dog want to keep distance to take rest. But the more your dog rests, the sicker he will get in this situation.

Make sure to see your vet if this case happens.

Six: Lack of proper sleep

It is a natural behaviour of a dog to roll in his bed and scratches it for a short time before falling asleep. But if this happens excessively, you should look for some health issues in your dog.

Pain can cause a dog to be impatient in his bed. If this is the case and you see your dog irritated every night in his bed, a vet is a must to go.

Seven: Constipation

If you notice your dog not sitting completely when pooping, the chances are he is experiencing painful constipation.

Most of the dogs even cry in this situation, as the pain is unbearable for them.

Eight: Behavioural changes

You know your dog better than anyone else. So, If something weird happens with your dog, even the most slight changes in their behaviour, you should report it to your to-go vet.

Some of the observable behaviours dogs show when in pain or sick are:

  • Avoiding to climb stairs.
  • Making a cat position waist repeatedly.
  • Walking slower than then their usual speed.
  • Avoiding what they used to love.
  • Different or weird sound of barking.

To wrap up

Generally, any weird change in your dog’s behaviour implies something happening in their body. When your dog is sick, he can’t tell it to you directly. Sometimes the dog doesn’t know that he is sick so he won’t be able to ask for help. You, as the parent, must know sick dogs body language, and regularly head to a vet and a dog groomer to make sure your dog is healthy.

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