Everything About Dog Vaccinations (part 2)

In the first part, we said that vaccines are antigens that act like pathogenic microorganisms, and their purpose is to strengthen the immune system. Then we told those dog vaccines are divided into primary and optional ones. We also described the vaccines for each section with the exact time of injection separately. In this section, we will review the symptoms and essential points before and after vaccinations.

Dog vaccination injection site

Dog vaccines are usually given subcutaneously and under the skin, somewhere between the back of the neck and the scapula. If they’re intramuscular, the vet may inject them into the dog’s muscle. 

Side effects after vaccination of dogs

The vaccine can have a variety of side effects in puppies and adult dogs. These symptoms can occur from a few minutes to a few days after vaccination, and as long as these symptoms aren’t too severe, they’re normal, and you shouldn’t worry about anything.

What are the usual symptoms after vaccination?

  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Anorexia
  • Pain and swelling around the vaccination site
  • Mild diarrhea

The most common reaction of dogs to vaccination is lethargy, which is sometimes accompanied by fever. It’s good to monitor these symptoms and get in touch with your veterinarian after vaccinating your dog; But don’t worry about anything special. These symptoms go away on their own, and the dog becomes the happy, energetic dog he always is.

Important points before vaccination

  • Schedule your dog to be vaccinated as much as possible.
  • Before vaccination, you should know your dog’s sleeping hours in a day, so it’s easier to diagnose the dog’s lethargy.
  • Contact your veterinarian in advance to ask questions if needed.
  • If you see any symptoms after vaccination, report your dog’s condition to your veterinarian.

What should I do if my dog ​​is allergic to the vaccine?

Your veterinarian will wait a few minutes after vaccinating your dog to cure it if he or she shows signs of allergies, But symptoms may be shown later in the body. In this situation, be calm and see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Depending on the dog’s condition and the severity of the case, the veterinarian will choose a different treatment, such as an antihistamine injection or intravenous fluid therapy. If your dog is allergic to the vaccine:

  • Remember which vaccine caused the dog allergy.
  • Before injecting your next vaccine, make sure your veterinarian is aware of your dog’s allergies.
  • Be prepared to pay more for anti-allergy medications such as antihistamines.
  • Allow 3 to 4 weeks between vaccinations.

Is vaccinating a dog safe during pregnancy?

In general, nobody recommends vaccinations during dog pregnancy. However, sometimes it is necessary to inject a vaccine into a pregnant dog with advice and discretion. The first half of pregnancy is the most sensitive period for the fetus inside the dog’s abdomen. For this reason, you should never give attenuated live vaccines that contain pathogenic pathogens to dogs. But you may inject so-called killed vaccines, such as the rabies vaccine,  to dogs in certain circumstances, at the veterinarian’s discretion, in the second half of pregnancy. But vaccinations aren’t generally recommended.

However, in some cases, you may need vaccinations to keep the mother dog and puppies healthy. This vaccination must be done on the veterinarian’s instructions and supervision; so that there’s no problem for the pregnant dog and his puppies. Pregnancy and postpartum care for dogs are essential, and the slightest work on your own without consulting a veterinarian can be dangerous for your dog. So it’s better to consult a veterinarian before doing anything. 

If you bought an adult dog or found a stray one, you certainly don’t know if this dog has been vaccinated or not. In this case, the vet usually takes a blood test from the dog, and an antibody test is performed to determine if antibodies are needed to fight various diseases in the dog. Then, according to the test results, the veterinarian injects the vaccine.

Vaccination of dogs such as grooming, hygiene, education, type of food, and many other things is necessary to maintain health and have a lively and energetic dog. It would help if you injected these vaccines regularly and on time to have the best effect on your dog. Forgetting or ignoring one of them can cause illness and dangerous problems that can sometimes lead to your dog’s death. Mishka’s specialized team will provide you with a complete set of grooming with the latest facilities and a professional and experienced team to maintain your dog’s health and hygiene so that you can enjoy being with this new member of your family safely.


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