Different Facts about Cocker Spaniel (Part 2)

In the previous part, we described the history, appearance, and behavioral characteristics of cocker spaniels. We said that there are two types of English and American cocker spaniel breeds that are different from each other. The principles of keeping these emotional and family-related dogs are also very important. They also need a certain amount of activity and walking. In this part we will talk about their regular grooming, the relationship of this breed with children and other animals, possible diseases and their nutrition.

Cocker spaniel relationship with children and other animals

One of the reasons for the great popularity of this breed is that he’s a good and kind family dog. The cocker spaniel is friendly to everyone, including children. Of course, because this dog is susceptible, it’s better to teach children how to behave and deal with him properly. He also shouldn’t be left alone with young children. This dog has a good relationship with other dogs, and if you train him well and in time, he will have a friendly relationship with other animals, even cats. Of course, due to the instinct of hunting and breeding of this dog to hunt and chase birds, keeping this dog with the bird in the house at the same time isn’t recommended.

Principles of grooming cocker spaniel

Taking care of long and curly hair

The beautiful and long hair of this dog has moderate shedding. But he needs a lot of care and attention. Regular brushing, washing and hair shortening helps maintain a beautiful appearance and prevent tangle and hair mats. Of course, cutting and styling the hair of these dogs is also one of the charms of Cocker Spaniel. Because every time, you can style her hair differently and give your dog a different look. If you’re going to keep this breed, you should know that on average, once every 6-8 weeks, you should take him to a professional groomer to brush and cut his hair. These dogs are afraid of going to the grooming and cutting their hair short, so it’s necessary to acquaint the cocker spaniel puppy with grooming, different tools, scissors, etc., from an early age.


These dogs need more bathing because of their long hair, especially if your dog is constantly outdoors. Washing this dog must be done using a special shampoo, and then rinse the hair thoroughly so that there’s no trace of shampoo on the dog’s skin and hair.

Taking care of the long furry ears,

you should clean this dog’s long ears once a week. Prevent infection, many ear-related problems and diseases with regular checkups.

Possible diseases

Cocker spaniel is generally considered a healthy breed and doesn’t have many diseases. But like any other breed, some diseases are more common in them:

  • Eye diseases such as progressive retinal atrophy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia (AIHA)
  • Allergies
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patellar dislocation of the knee

Of course, the health of each dog, in addition to genetics, also depends on how he’s cared for. By vaccinating your dog according to the schedule, regular veterinarian check-ups, healthy nutrition and proper maintenance, you can largely prevent the occurrence of these diseases.


This breed needs a varied and high-quality diet to be healthy. Cocker Spaniel dog food must fully meet the nutritional needs, sensitivities and special needs of this breed. At the same time, it shouldn’t cause obesity in these dogs; Because cocker spaniels are very gluttonous. If you aren’t careful, they will become obese and overweight. If you’re planning to give your dog homemade food, you must ensure that the ingredients are balanced and enough food for him.

Proper food bowls

These beautiful and special dogs prepare different water and food bowls because these dogs’ long ears usually fall into the bowl when drinking and eating. To prevent this problem, it’s better to use special bowls with narrow openings and cause the ears to be outside.

This breed is happy, cute, sensitive and an inseparable friend for children. He is a good protector for his owner’s territory. Cockers love everyone and want to make their owners happy. They don’t like strangers, and some like to bark. However, they easily get used to other animals and are very famous breeds. They are suitable for the apartment as long as they are allowed adequate daily physical activity. You can count on Mishka’s specialized team in all steps of grooming, health, hygiene, training, etc., of your beloved dogs. Our groomers make your dog interested in grooming with great knowledge, enthusiasm, new tools and patience.


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