28 different dogs for apartment living

28 different dogs for apartment living

Most apartment living people like small dogs breeds. So these breeds are increasing quickly. Numbers of apartments according to the high increase in population is growing more and more. Nowadays, keeping dogs is so popular; therefore, small apartment owners are eager to have small dogs, too. It is estimated that there is 1 dog in every 5 families. So choosing a suitable dog according to your preferences among numerous pretty breeds is a tough job. If you ask a professional groomer for good advice, finding a perfect dog is an enjoyable and easy job. Thinking about an apartment dog is not just selecting a small dog; you have to investigate more options like hair loss, barking and amount of energy. We make your choice easier; here is a list of 28 popular dogs for apartment living.

Which dogs are suitable for apartment living

  1. Coton De Tulear:

Coton De Tulear is a good companion for people, so those who live alone, feel bored and are far from family and home can have them. It can make your day and travel enjoyable. They love walking and inside games and playing makes them happy. It has good energy and low shedding and barking.

  1. American Eskimo dog:

This breed is just appropriate for apartments, not houses. American Eskimo dogs are so wise and corporate in family activities, especially with kids. For being sure that they have a happy and healthy life, you must notice that they shouldn’t be left alone. This breed must accompany you. Teaching from a young age is so important too because they are so smart. Teach them some tricks, obedience, being outwitted and moving quickly. They are a good guard too and observe strangers commuting; make them stronger and better by teaching and training. They lose a lot of hair, bark a lot and have lots of energy, and a groomer can solve shedding’s problem.

  1. French Bulldog:

This cute dog loves relaxing and playing. It becomes healthy with family relationships. It’s a great family’s friend. If you aren’t patient, stable and creative in training, this breed becomes bored. It has moderate energy, barking and shedding. 

  1. American Hairless Terrier:

This breed is completely a domestic pet dog which is in furry and hairless types. They are great guards and protectors. They rarely lose hair. So take them to a groomer once a week. For being a good apartment pet, American Hairless Terriers should be exposed to many dogs and people for 7 weeks until 4 months. Walk and play every day or send them to puppy school to make them healthy. They have normal energy and bark less.

  1. Cocker Spaniel:

Lovely, calm and reliable are characteristics of cocker Spaniel which love making other people happy. This small dog is a good friend of older adults, kids and other pets. They have high energy and medium shedding and barking. So visiting a groomer is good advice.

  1. Australian Terrier:

If you have a happy and lively family, this breed is the best option for you. Because it can be happy and active in a great family, others call this dog a “bossy” since it has great respect and interest in humans and understands human’s mood like a good friend. One disadvantage of it is the time of boredom as it chews and tears up your apartment. So play and amused them a lot. They are a good playmate for your children, too. But never forget to observe them. Their shedding is low, but they have a very high barking and are so energetic. So for cleaning, trimming nails, brushing, etc. you need a groomer to give you a hand.

  1. Affenpinscher:

This breed is a clever, energetic and good-looking breed and the best option for apartment living but not if you have a toddler or a small child. They are so playful and spend a long time outside, so keeping them healthy is so crucial. Cleaning them is so hard. You can ask a good groomer to help you with its cleaning. Instead, please invite your friends with their dogs or go walking or a nice cafe with them to make them sociable and outgoing. They learn everything very fast. So start their training from the first days. This breed is so flexible and can cope with other dogs and cats easily; however, they hate hamsters and other rodent pests. They lose a little hair but are so energetic, and their barking sound is medium. If they bark and move a lot for cleaning, bathing, etc., you can ask a groomer’s help.

  1. Chinese Crested:

They aren’t good pets for you if you want a quiet dog. If they are left alone, they become noisy and destroy everything. They hate loneliness. But they are so clever, intelligent and mind readers. If you don’t train them from youth, maybe they bite strangers. They have a low shedding and energy but a little loud barking.

  1. Barbet:

This breed has a lot of fans since it’s a great swimmer, quick in reaction, happy, calm, and a nice dog. You should have numerous games or take them to a walk a lot to keep it happy. It doesn’t lose a lot of hair, but it loves hygiene; therefore take it to the groomer a lot for complete cleanliness to make it happier. Because of gentle barking and good energy, they are perfect choices for apartments.

  1. Chihuahua:

Most experts recommend this small dog because it’s between 10 best guards and also enjoys being with people. This curious dog needs at least half an hour of daily exercise. They are great to travel mates and hate being alone. It has medium sounds of barking and energy, but it sheds a little.

  1. Basenji:

If you are calm, so patient, and love teaching, training and domesticating animals, this breed is good for you. But pay attention to some points,

  •      It is better that you don’t have any other pet at home.
  •     You are domesticating them. To understand and be patient for their faults and defects.
  •     They like chewing if they don’t play well, they destroy and chew everything they find on the ground. So nothing should be accessible for them.

They shed very low, but they are energetic and have a high barking. If you face a problem, take it to a pet shop and a good groomer.

  1. Cesky Terrier:

A good dog for apartment living is Cesky Terrier. Every six and eight weeks it needs grooming in a good pet shop. Usually, take it for a walk and do another exercise with it. It has low shedding and energy and a gentle barking.

  1. Basset Fauve de Bretagne:

Whether your apartment is big or small, they are good pets if none of your family has an allergy. Play many games and walk with them regularly to have a friendly and lively dog. In case of having a warm house, cut this small dog’s hair with a good groomer a lot. They are dynamic and have a low shedding and barking sound.

  1. Cardigan Welsh Corgi:

This dog is a good guard with good behaviour, especially for unwanted strangers around you and your family. But notice that it needs daily walking and playing and at a young age, it should be in contact with many things. Observe and control its food. Also, you should order it quietly to avoid having annoyed neighbours because it barks a lot. It loses a lot of hair, and it’s so active, therefore, visiting a groomer is very important.

  1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:

This breed loves sport and its family. So follow their owner everywhere. This funny and pretty dog is energetic when meeting other people. Sports fans and athletes are enthusiastic about having it. It has gentle barking, medium shedding and moderate energy.

  1. Basset Hound:

Most Outgoing and kids friendly dogs are basset hounds. Besides, it’s so lazy and easy to take care of. They are so patient and like long walks. They have small legs and big bodies; thus, they are heavy to carry especially from stairs. Their energy is less. But having a loud barking and high shedding force you to visit a groomer.

  1. Cairn Terrier:

Cairn Terrier has a big connection with its family, so this breed is the most family-friendly apartment dog. This dog loves to learn everything quickly. If you want a cautious and self-determined dog, it’s a good choice. It has a moderate shedding but high energy and barking.

  1. Bedlington Terrier:

These are calm and popular dogs which attract everybody’s attention. They are small to medium size and too easy to keep. You can train them and adjust their speed at home by interacting with other pets, having everyday exercise, mental motivation, short walking, playing, etc. grooming frequently is so important and essential for this breed. It has low shedding and barking, but it’s full of energy and needs groomer’s help.

  1. Bulldog:

The bulldog is popular among easygoing and families with kids. They love short walking and napping in the arms of their owners. These affections make it happy and healthy. But observe its food regularly; otherwise, it becomes lazy and fat. It loses more hair, and it is calm with loud barking.

  1. Bichon Frise:

This small dog breed is suitable for people with allergies. They have a good relationship with other pets and members of the owner’s family. They are so emotional and hate being alone. Therefore buy this breed if you have time to play, walk and spend time with them. They lose little hair and have a low barking, but they are so lively and active.

  1. Brussels Griffon:

This breed is energetic, humorous, and lovely and one of the best dogs for apartment living. Griffons are so sensitive; if you train them carelessly or violently, they become scary dogs. But normally they love relationships with other pets. Its shedding is moderate, but it has high barking and energy. A groomer can give you a hand and make your cleaning easier.

  1. Biewer Terrier:

Another great apartment pet is Biewer Terrier which needs a happy and active owner. They adapt themselves to apartment living and its situations. They are good guards and sensitive to those who are doing something secretly and start barking. Their low shedding, gentle barking but high energy joins them to a knowledgeable groomer.

  1. Boston Terrier:

The Boston Terrier is a brave, friendly, calm. They can be one of the good dogs for apartment living, especially for children and older adults. They love hot weather, so keep the house temperature suitable for them. They lose little hair and have gentle barking but so much energy.

  1. Bolognese:

Bolognese loves family and is so patient but a little friendly. Start its training from your house, even if it is small or untidy. Thus you will have the best friends in your whole life. It has a low shedding, high barking and limited energy.

  1. German spitz:

Their appearance is like a fox. They are more loyal than other breeds. Strangers may be scared of its barking, be very careful because it’s so sensitive to unknown people. They have a strong desire for learning. So regular training makes it happy and healthy. They have double coats and loud barking. This energetic dog needs a groomer, too!

  1. Border Terrier:

A lovely dog breed which adores lively family is so strong in digging and hunting. This breed is single-minded, so active and outgoing as much as hates to be alone. Otherwise, it is a noisy, damaging and messy dog. It has a prolonged barking, but it sheds a little high. So regular groomers visiting can solve this problem, too.

  1. Italian Greyhound:

This small dog is a good friend and partner and can be one of the suitable dogs for apartment living. Their favourite task is sleeping and feeling comfort rather than running and playing. Although they are great at running, they love walking. This dog is still outgoing and happy if it is sociable. The Italian greyhound is so lively and active; it loses a lot of hair which forces you to visit a groomer. The good thing about it is its low barking.

  1. Great Dane:

It’s unbelievable that this huge and enormous dog is an apartment pet. Great Dane is a lovely and calm dog. It’s so skinny, but it doesn’t need a lot of practice and walking, normal exercise for them is better than a severe one. They are happy with lying and sleeping. However, they can be a wonderful partner for hanging out. It has a high shedding, so visiting a professional groomer is great. This energetic dog hates being in cold weather and being alone.

Having a dog is an interesting and sweet experience that needs lots of attention and observation. Based on your dog’s coat and fur or shedding, you need a groomer. Sometimes your dog is so active and energetic that needs the groomer’s help for brushing, bathing, nail trimming and other grooming’s work. Choosing one of the suitable dogs for apartment living is very important. Otherwise, your dog will be bored and depressed.

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