A Dog Fence and Its Necessity for Dog Training

One of the necessary and vital tools for keeping a dog is a dog fence. The idea of ​​”limiting the dog space” may seem cruel to you, and you may prefer your cute puppy to walk around the house and be comfortable. But you should know that the fence is one of the most critical steps in dog training. If you want a well-behaved and polite dog, you shouldn’t miss it. This article will talk about the importance of a dog fence, how to choose and buy the best fence for your dog.

A dog Fence and its types

A dog fence is a metal (sometimes plastic) fence that restricts the dog’s activity space and is often roofless. Unlike boxes, which have little space and people use for transportation and temporary storage, the fence gives the dog space to walk and play, and you can house the dog inside longer. 

Most dog fences have detachable parts, and you can quickly increase or decrease the size and park space. When travelling and moving, you can collect its details and move them quickly. some of them have doors as well, but there’re models without the door that you have to put the dog inside from above.

Dog fences are often made of metal, but plastic, wooden and even fabric models are available. Metal material has much more strength and durability, and you can wash them easily. Fabric and tarpaulin models are very light and take up little space, and are suitable for travelling.

You can place the dog fence and playground indoors in the yard and outdoors; But if you want to leave the fences outside the house, be careful of the weather and rain so that the dog isn’t bothered. Also, the material of the fence should be such that it’s resistant to moisture.

The importance and role of dog fence in training

As soon as you bring a funny puppy home, it would help if you started training him, and the fence can help you a lot. Behind every well-behaved and polite dog is a suitable and good fence! All professional dog trainers and veterinarians recommend using a dog fence because of its many benefits and consider it a necessary tool for keeping dogs. Dogs instinctively like to have a safe kennel, and the park provides this space for them. So don’t worry, the dog will feel good on the fence.

The fence is a training space for dog play to learn good manners, various training and practice to do the proper behaviour in any situation and place. So it’s necessary for puppies and their training. But it doesn’t mean that it’s no longer needed when the dog grows up. You can also use the fence in different situations, such as when you aren’t home, or your dog is sick and needs to be restricted. The use of a dog fence is more than just a fence and can be very helpful to the dog owner.

What are the benefits of a dog fence?

Basic dog training. 

The fence creates a limited and safe space for dogs, and you can easily control and monitor them. People use the dog fence for all kinds of training for new puppies. You can teach your dog how to use the bathroom, how to stay alone at night, not barking, etc. most dog owners can also solve various behavioural problems such as biting and the habit of chewing on household items in a controlled and restricted dog fence environment with supervision and practice. The space inside the fence for puppies should be large enough that you can place a urine training pad in one corner and have room for the puppy to sleep and play.

Safe and controlled area for dog play.

The fence is actually for dogs to play and mischief. You can put all kinds of toys on the fence and let him play as much as he wants. Therefore you’re so relieved that he’s safe and not in danger.

You will be comfortable.

Puppies are very playful and unpredictable, and at least for the first few months, you should never leave them unattended; Otherwise, they may sabotage or even endanger themselves. But sometimes you have to leave the house for a few hours, or you are inside the house, but you have to be busy and busy for a while, and you can’t pay attention to your dog. In this case, the park will help you, and you can safely put the dog inside. Of course, be careful not to put the dog in the dog park and cage for too long.

Security and protection for dogs. 

Dogs live in the nest in the wild and instinctively like to be in a small, safe space. Dog fences provide such security for them. If you have just brought a puppy home and it’s very timid and anxious, or if your dog is too excited and hyperactive, the fence is an excellent way to calm the dog and provide a particular space for him. You can use the dog fence even when the house is too crowded (at a party), and your dog is bothered. When you bring a new dog or pet home, and you want to introduce your dog to them, the safety fence area can help them get to know each other gradually and without stress.

How do I get my dog ​​used to staying in the fence?

  • Use the fence properly, not for punishing a dog! Dogs should feel safe and satisfied in the fence. If you put him in the fence every time the dog sabotages, he may feel the cage as a punishment, and he doesn’t like to be left behind. Remember that the dog park is for dog training, not to imprison and punish him!
  • Getting your puppy used to the fence takes a lot of time and patience. So don’t expect everything to end well the first time you put the dog inside! But given the many benefits that the fence has for you and your dog, it’s worth taking the time to get the dog used to the fence.
  • You have to be a little patient for your puppy to get used to staying in the fence. Don’t lock in the fence early; put the puppy inside, and encourage him to stay in the fence by placing a favourite food or toy.
  • To make the dog feel better on the fence, you can also put his favourite toys inside. Sometimes even a few pieces of encouragement can make your dog feel better.
  • Never leave a dog alone until it’s accustomed to the fence; Because of that way, he gets anxious and stressed and wants to get out of the fence. Leave the door open and stay by it yourself. Close the fence after a few practise, but still, be around and pay attention to your dog.
  • Don’t open the door if your dog starts barking, moaning and howling. Sit next to him and whenever he’s silent, treat him to learn that he will be approved and encouraged by calming down.
  • Never put the dog in the fence for a long time; Be aware that the fence is only for the temporary maintenance of the dog (a few hours) and not for its permanent maintenance!

What should I put in it?

Depending on how you want to use the fence, you will need to put different equipment inside to comfort the dog. If you want the dog to play inside, then you don’t need a lot of equipment; But if he’s going to stay in the fence all night for several hours a day, then he needs more equipment.

  • A sleeping place or dog box with a soft blanket and mattress for sleeping
  • Water and food container 
  • Toilet or urine training pad
  • Favourite toys (soft toys, chewable toys, balls, etc.)
  • A little treat and his favourite food (incredibly chewy food that entertains him for hours)

Important points when buying

When you go to pet shops to buy a dog fence, you will encounter many of them, which may make a choice a little difficult for you. To be able to buy the best and most suitable fence for your dog, pay attention to the following points:

Consider puppy growth.

Puppies overgrow from a small puppy to a large adult dog within a few months; So when buying a dog fence, keep in mind the dog’s growth in the coming months. Resized fences are the best option. These fences can be made smaller or larger by changing the parts and walls. The fence should be collapsible and portable. Most fences have detachable parts. You can easily disassemble, move and then reassemble them in the next place. Some fences may not have this feature; So pay attention to this point when buying. 

Avoid buying a park that is too small or too large.

Depending on the dog’s size and breed, buy the right size for the fence. If the park and cage are too small, your dog will feel imprisoned and won’t like to be alone; Also big parking space isn’t suitable for dogs that aren’t used to staying in the fence. Resized fences don’t have this problem and are better.

The park should be a safe home for dogs.

If you’re going to put the dog inside the playground for a few hours from time to time, then you should turn the space inside into a safe and lovely house. Put some toys and treat inside. If the dog is going to sleep there, the fence should be large enough to accommodate the dog and the toilet.

Pay attention to the height of the park walls.

The walls’ height should be high enough that the dog can’t quickly jump in and out; Therefore, according to the dog’s breed, body, and activity level, choose a fence whose walls are 2-3 times taller than him.

Pay attention to the type of fence.

Most of the fences are made of metal, but there are various models made of plastic and nylon and even tarpaulins. We recommend a metal fence because it has high durability, can’t be chewed, damaged, and easier to clean. But for example, a light cloth fence can be a good option for travel and picnic. 

Depending on where you will set up the fence, please pay attention to its material, strength and characteristics.

An outdoor fence should be stainless and more durable in climate change. Its walls should also be taller to prevent dogs from jumping out and other animals from jumping into the fence. In the case of the indoor fence and the right size, beauty and appearance are more important and have more variety. A variety of wooden and plastic dog fences also make the home look better.

Where’s the best place for it?

After the purchase, you must choose a suitable place to set up the fence. Dogs are social creatures and love to be with you and your family. So a corner of the living room where the others are present seems to be a good place. Also, place the fence in a well-ventilated, well-lit area with good lighting. You’re going to put the sleeping site, food container, water and sometimes the toilet inside the fence. There’s an excellent place to fence next to the window, which isn’t very busy. Please don’t place the fence near furniture or household items so that dogs don’t use them to leave the fence.

Dogs are lovable creatures that are a regular part of most families today. Their care, grooming, health and training are essential. Like newborn baby, they need constant maintenance. Training dogs is vital to keep them healthy and clean. If the training isn’t proper, your dog won’t be interested in grooming, he will be naughty, unbearable and there will be many other problems for him. All of these problems lead to illness and even the dog’s death. So you can have a healthy and energetic dog by using the suitable fence and training. Mishka Grooming’s specialised team accompany you with experienced and accurate groomers so that you can easily take care of your beloved dog and enjoy being with him more.



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