A Variety of Dog Bowls (Part 1)

You may think that the dog bowl isn’t special, and you can use any available dish. But you’re mistaken. There’s currently a great variety of dog dishes in different models and materials, each of which is more suitable for a group of dog breeds. This article will talk about it and explain the types of dog bowls for food and water and their advantages and disadvantages. So stay tuned.

The best food for dogs 

As you know, dog food is generally divided into two categories: wet food (canned) and dry food. But many people use dry dog ​​food; some add canned food, and some cook homemade food for their dogs (with a veterinarian-approved order).

Homemade food for dogs has many advantages: it’s tastier,  prepared from fresh and high-quality ingredients and more economical in terms of cost. But you should be aware that homemade food is only good for your dog if its ingredients and amounts are balanced according to its nutritional needs. Otherwise, the food you give your dog, no matter how delicious, may not be good enough for him and may cause many problems.

Choose the best dog bowls.

Now that we’re aware of different dog food, it’s time to choose a suitable bowl to eat. When you go to the pet shop to buy a dog bowl, various dishes confuse you. However, this variety is partly related to their appearance, colour and design, and most people choose them based on their taste. Still, other factors depend on your dog’s breed and body structure. So you should pay attention to them. These factors include the dog’s height, body, dog ears (do his ears are long and sag when eating?), The dog’s nose, snout, and your dog eating speed. 

The best bowl based on the depth and model

Shallow dog bowl

Although this type is one of the most common types of dog dishes, it’s more suitable for small to medium-sized dogs such as Chihuahuas and Pomeranian dogs or Corgis and puppies. Small dogs can easily eat from it due to the shallow depth of these dishes; Without putting too much pressure on their sensitive throats.

Slanted bowl for Dogs

These bowls are relatively deep but narrower and go to the bottom with a gentle slope. These bowls are the best choice for long-eared dogs such as Beagle, Bastuhund and Cocker Spaniel with their special appearance. Because when eating, their ears no longer fall into the food or water container. So it doesn’t get dirty, and they can eat their food safely without any problem.

Deep dog bowl

This type of bowl is extremely suitable for dogs with long snouts such as Dachshund, Greyhound and gypsy breeders. These dogs no longer have to look around for food with difficulty and can eat and drink directly and more easily.

Footed dog bowl

These bowls are footed and located at a higher altitude above the ground. So the dog doesn’t need to lower his head too much for water and food. Footed dog bowls are the best choice for large breed dogs such as Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Huskies, huge dogs such as the Great Dane and mastiffs like the Mirage Dog. It’s also a good choice for older dogs, after surgery, for dogs with osteoarthritis or joint pain and physical limitations. These bowls in different materials, shapes, and models allow dogs to eat and drink without bending too much and putting pressure on their necks.

Slow feeder dog bowl

Some dogs are very gluttonous and eat so fast that they have digestive problems such as bloating. There’s a bowl for these dogs that prolongs the dog’s feeding time and doesn’t allow them to overheat too quickly. Slow feeder bowls can be available in different materials and models; But because of their special shape and form, the dog can’t eat too quickly! In addition, finding food through the grooves is a mental game for the dog and entertains him.

A dog bowl based on the type of dish

Now that we have talked about the type and model of the bowls, it’s time to talk about the next important point, which is the material used in them.

Stainless steel bowl

Stainless steel is unbreakable, easy to wash and clean, extremely strong and durable. These bowls are the best water and food containers for dogs. If you’re looking for a lifelong food container, be sure to choose a steel one. At the bottom of them, plastic pieces are usually attached as brakes to prevent the container from slipping on the floor. The only downside to this bowl is that it can be cold or hot in different weather and bother the dog when eating. Therefore it’s better not to place it outdoors, especially in the sun. If you’re tired of the monotonous appearance and colour, you can try coloured steel bowls. This bowl has a fixed oven colour that doesn’t fade against washing and use.

Ceramic dog bowl

The ceramic is heavy, and the dog can’t easily turn it; So it’s suitable for naughty dogs. Ceramic bowls are one of the most fashionable types of dog dishes and are available in various colours and designs. Of course, these dishes’ surface isn’t as smooth as polished steel, so you must wash them immediately after eating. Ceramic dishes are very durable and don’t break as easily. In any case, they aren’t as durable as steel, and if you hit them too hard, they may break.

Plastic dog bowl

Plastic containers are the cheapest, most affordable, and durable available in various colours and models. So many people choose a plastic container when they are just bringing a dog. But this bowl is very light, and the dog can easily turn it over. Dogs can also chew or scratch them with their fingernails. Accidental ingestion of a piece of plastic can cause many digestive problems for dogs. In addition, some dog breeds are allergic to plastic and have skin problems due to contact with these containers. Another important point is that the surface of these dishes gradually scratches, and these small grooves can become a place of accumulation of contaminants and food particles. It’s essential when it comes to canned food or homemade dog food.

Container of water and food for travelling dogs

In addition to the containers mentioned above, there’s also a container that can be folded. These dishes are especially great for when you’re travelling and as a meal and travel water. They come in various materials: from water bottles and waterproof cloth containers to folding silicone dishes. These containers are very light, and when collected, They take up little space. If you go on a picnic with your dog or if you’re travelling for a few days, instead of heavy steel and ceramic dishes, you can use these light and folding bowls for both your dog food and water. Of course, these dishes are temporarily suitable and not as a regular dog dish. Because they’re foldable and have a soft material, the dog can easily shake or turn them.

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