Author: fhague

In the previous parts, we explained about various infectious diseases that can be transmitted from dogs to humans. For each, we explained the symptoms, treatment and prevention methods separately. In this part, we will discuss the rest of these important diseases so that dog owners...

In the first part, we explained infectious diseases that can be transmitted from dogs to humans. We said that some of these problems are common between dogs and humans and can be transmitted to humans. These diseases include hookworms diseases, giardia infection diseases, campylobacter, salmonellosis...

In the previous parts, we explained the dog's body language and said that dogs communicate with their surroundings through the production of sound and body movements. These body movements include the mouth, eyes, ears, body postures and hair of the dog, each of which has...

In the first part, we said that a dog's body language conveys emotions, desires and communication. Dogs communicate with the world around them through the production of sound and body movements, each of which has a different meaning. We have already talked about the actions...

Dog body language includes a set of different ways to convey feelings and desires to communicate. His body language and behaviour are unique and utterly different from the way humans communicate. Dogs use body language and movements to communicate with each other, as well as...

In the previous part, we explained about treating depression by keeping pets like dogs. We said that these creatures evoke a sense of freshness and vitality in humans. Feeling responsible, nurturing and caring for them improves people's mental health. Dogs also change the human's lifestyle....

Treating depression by keeping pets has been scientifically proven to be very useful for humans in today's hectic life. Caring for pets helps you deal with depression, anxiety and stress. For some people, petting their pets is very beneficial. In some cases, these pets play...