Author: fhague

Puppies overgrow and transform from a cute little puppy to a large adult dog in just a few months. That's why puppies need more protein, fat and energy. Their food should meet the nutritional needs of puppies in adulthood. This article will talk about the...

One of the necessary and vital tools for keeping a dog is a dog fence. The idea of ​​"limiting the dog space" may seem cruel to you, and you may prefer your cute puppy to walk around the house and be comfortable. But you should...

There’s no doubt that each dog has his unique personality and behaviours. But there’re some movements and behaviours in all dog breeds that are a bit weird for humans. If you have a dog, you know what we mean. For example, why does he tilt...

Dogs mature sexually from 6 months to 1 year, depending on their breed and size. Dog sterilisation is a practice that prevents dogs from mating and becoming pregnant. This article will talk about the benefits of sterilisation for your dog, whether female, male, and for...

Dogs are inquisitive and gluttonous and like to eat whatever they see. As a dog owner, you may wonder which food is safe for dogs and dangerous for them. If they eat harmful foods, they may get sick or even dead. That's why in this...

The lockjaw is a disease that causes a lot of suffering, torment and discomfort in dogs. Depending on the cause of the disease, there may also be swelling and pain. In some cases, dogs lose muscle and can’t eat properly; Thus, more complications are created....

Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone or bone marrow caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. This inflammation can be acute or chronic and usually spreads to other parts of the body. It often happens when the infection is transmitted to the bone by...

Cleaning dog ears is one of the issues that many people ignore, and it always occupies the owner’s mind. While doing this, you can be aware of the health status of your dog ears. By cleaning your dog's ear, you can detect a variety of...

Abdominal pain may be due to a variety of disorders. The severity of these pains indicates a significant illness that needs to be addressed quickly. The only way to diagnose abdominal pain is to change your dog's behaviour. So whenever you think your dog is...

All dog breeds were used in the past as guard dog. Training guard dogs is one of the most common uses for humans, which has several points. Guard dogs are one of man's closest mutual friends. These dogs are among the most popular dogs that...