Bathing a Dog Completely (Part 1)

Keeping dogs and puppies indoors has become commonplace these days. Keeping dogs has principles and rules that their owners must know and follow. From how and when to feed to symptoms and health care, these are all things you need to know to take care of your dog. Dog hygiene is directly related to home and family cleanliness. Therefore, you need to be familiar with the principles of dog grooming, cleanliness and bathing at home to prevent any unpleasant events. Things like brushing, washing, trimming nails, etc. are all things you need to be familiar with. Join us to tell you the most important points of dog cleanliness.

Importance of dog grooming

As mentioned, dog grooming can help prevent your dog from getting sick. Also, constantly checking the dog, including dog shedding, the tears in your dog’s eyes, any changes in the feeding process, etc., will make the dog feel comfortable in the home environment. You will enjoy having a healthy dog.

Washing your dog has certain principles that will help you avoid unintentionally harming him. Before we talk about washing your dog at home, it’s good to know that frequent washing and excessive cleanliness can cause serious harm to the dog. They don’t have sebaceous and sweat glands under their skin; Therefore, there’s no need to wash the dog’s skin constantly. However, brushing a dog’s hair makes the dog feel good and helps keep it clean.

Dog bathing

Dog bathing isn’t just about washing his body. in general, dog grooming and cleanliness is divided into several separate parts, which include:

  • Bathing the dog
  • Cleaning the ears
  • Cleaning dog teeth
  • Trimming nails

Bathing the dog

For washing the dog, first, you should prepare the necessary equipment for the dog bath. These basic equipment are a good shampoo for your dog’s skin and hair, a sponge (if necessary), and lukewarm water. Also, for a better result, it’s better to brush your dog’s coat beforehand. Brushing will help the dog relax and cooperate with you better in the bathing process. Closing the dog’s ear canal with two pieces of cotton will also help prevent water and shampoo from entering your dog’s ear. 

Important tips for bathing

Consider the following tips for bathing your dog:

  • Start washing from the head, but never pour water directly on the dogs.
  • Gently massage the dog with your hands so that the water reaches the whole body. It also helps to remove things like parasites from the dog’s skin.
  • Wet the dog thoroughly and then use shampoo; this will help the dog’s entire body be evenly affected by the shampoo.
  • Rinse areas that are most prone to dirt to be thoroughly cleaned.
  • After shampooing, rinse the dog thoroughly twice with water to completely remove it from the body. The presence of foam and pus in the dog’s body can cause skin inflammation.
  • You can wet your hands and wipe the dog’s face completely.
  • After bathing, the dog may instinctively shake to dry. With these interpretations, you use a soft towel to dry the dog. Using a hairdryer can also help.

Cleaning the ears 

It would help if you always clean your dog’s ears after bathing. During grooming, make sure there are no signs of scratching, inflammation, or anything unusual in the dog’s ear. Note that the health of the dog’s ear is essential. If you see any abnormalities, it’s better to consult your veterinarian.

Don’t use alcohol at all to clean the dog’s ear. There are several rinsing solutions for cleaning dog ears that you can use to clean and sanitize your dog. To do this, soak a cotton ball in the solution and gently clean the dog’s ear. Be careful that the solution doesn’t drip from the cotton. After soaking the dog’s ear in a cotton solution and cleaning the ear, thoroughly clean the dog’s ear with a dry cotton swab.

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