Bathing a Dog Completely (Part 2)

There are certain rules for keeping dogs that their owners must be fully aware of. Following these rules will keep your dog healthy and fresh and will prevent many diseases. Washing your dog at home includes four parts: bathing, cleaning the dog’s ears, taking care of teeth and trimming nails. In the previous part, we explained about bathing and cleaning dogs’ ears. We said that for a better bath, use lukewarm water, a sponge and a suitable shampoo. Brush your dog’s hair beforehand and start washing from his head. Cleaning dog ears also has its own rules. Before doing it, be sure to check the ear for scratches, inflammation, or anything unusual. In this part, we will explain the steps of cleaning dogs’ ears, teeth and nails. 

3 main steps in cleaning dogs’ ears

Ear hygiene in dogs consists of three steps.

Step 1

In this step, you should remove excess hair inside the ear: To do this, we use dog ear powder. This powder with local anesthesia and loosening hair helps to make this process easier.

Step 2

Rinse the ear canal. The first two steps are specialized, so it’s better to leave them to a specialist.

Step 3

This step is the health of the external and visible parts of the ear. Accessories include Pet ear lotion, ear cleaner, brush and cotton or sterile gauze. In different breeds and environments, it’s necessary to clean ears once a week to once a month. Examine your dog’s ears regularly every two weeks to see if they need it.

Cleaning dog teeth

One of the most important steps in washing a dog is brushing his teeth. Since dentures can’t be placed on dogs, cleaning teeth is vital. There are many different ways to clean a dog’s teeth, including:

  • Use a special spray for dogs. These sprays help to clean the teeth and eliminate bad odours.
  • Using textured chew toys. In addition to entertaining your dog, these toys also scratch the plaque on the teeth.
  • Use a dog wipe. These wipes help you clean your dog’s teeth with your hands. Of course, the cooperation of dogs in this method is essential!
  • Use a dog’s toothpaste. Of course, some animals don’t like these kinds of toothpaste. However, your beloved dog may be an exception!

Nail trimming

It’s better to check the dog’s nails after washing. Depending on what environment your dog lives in, you may need to cut your nails infrequently or weekly. If your dog spends most of his time at home on soft surfaces such as carpets, you should take a look at his nails from time to time. On the other hand, if your dog often walks outside or on hard surfaces, he needs less nail care and trimming. Dog trimming tools are very diverse. Depending on the size of your dog, you can choose the right nail clipper to use. It’s also a good idea to have some blood clotting powder available if your dog’s nails bleed due to excessive shortness. Don’t forget:

  • Trim the nails when the dog is calm;
  • Sharpen nail tips after trimming;
  • If the dog’s nails aren’t very long, don’t use a nail clipper. A nail file is a better choice.

Keeping pets at home requires important tips and advice. Washing your dog at home, in addition to being directly related to your pet’s health, also affects the health of other family members. Keep in mind that dogs need a lot of care to stay healthy, happy and dynamic. Therefore, it’s better to always keep your knowledge about keeping dogs up-to-date and take advantage of the opinions and prescriptions of veterinarians. In addition, professional groomers can give you the experience you need to keep and clean your dog; In this regard, MishkaGrooming is at your service! We know the best method to keep your dog healthy.



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