Benefits of cleaning your dog teeth

Benefits of cleaning your dog teeth

For human beings, dental care is a major part of their life. What is important though, is that it must be regular and done by professional and experienced dentists. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the same biological process that happens in our mouth, also happens in our dog’s mouth; namely a bacterial biofilm coats the surface of the teeth. If this film is not removed for more than 72 hours, it will turn into a cement-hard layer on the teeth. Over time, hundreds of these layers accumulate on top of one another, resulting in the nasty yellow-brown gunk on our dog’s teeth, called “plaque”. So, when you see a “plaque”, you should think of hundred layers of bacterial concrete. So. cleaning your dog teeth is so important.

What are the benefits of cleaning your dog teeth?

Same as humans, preventing the formation of a “plaque” on your dog’s teeth would be way better than trying to treat it after it has been completely formed. Regular brushing disrupts this biofilm and can prevent or reduce the accumulation of calculus. In this way, you may be able to keep a “plaque formation” under control and keep your dog’s teeth healthy for the long term.

Surprisingly, you need to be aware that dental disease can lead to problems with your pet’s organs, such as the heart. Thus, caring for your pet’s teeth can prevent further health problems which will save you tons of money. It has to be mentioned that 4 out of 5 dogs over the age of three have some sort of periodontal disease which is caused by the build-up of a “plaque”. Many even lose their teeth because of the “plaque” which is terribly painful and can cause serious health problems. Some dog owners may claim that since their dog doesn’t show any signs of pain, they are in no need of dental care; but always remember that your dog is very good at hiding the pain, that you may never know your pet has a serious dental problem until it is very advanced.

Regular brushing is important

You can be sure that regular brushing and cleaning can prevent your dog from having serious dental problems by 80%. In addition, teeth cleaning also provides the groomer with a close view to inform you about a concerning problem before it gets advanced. Keep in mind that identifying such dental problems can be done by experienced and knowledgeable groomers and they notice things no one else can. If you are too worried about your dog’s dental health, you can also take your pet for regular dental check-ups. Finally, watch out for any of the signs below, since they pinpoint dental problems for your dog:

  • Not tugging as vigorously on their toy.
  • Turning their nose up at kibble.
  • Showing a preference for soft foods and avoiding hard foods.
  • Rubbing their faces to alleviate discomfort.
  • Having bad breath or brown teeth.

Teeth cleaning and brushing are even more important in case you have small-breed dogs. They tend to have a predisposition to periodontal disease more, compared to other dogs. Yorkies, Pomeranians, Dachshunds and Schnauzers, all tend to develop the significant periodontal disease at a young age.

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