Dogs’ disease

The lockjaw is a disease that causes a lot of suffering, torment and discomfort in dogs. Depending on the cause of the disease, there may also be swelling and pain. In some cases, dogs lose muscle and can’t eat properly; Thus, more complications are created....

Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone or bone marrow caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. This inflammation can be acute or chronic and usually spreads to other parts of the body. It often happens when the infection is transmitted to the bone by...

Abdominal pain may be due to a variety of disorders. The severity of these pains indicates a significant illness that needs to be addressed quickly. The only way to diagnose abdominal pain is to change your dog's behaviour. So whenever you think your dog is...

Paw’s pads injury and their care are a critical issue. The most rigid skin tissue in dogs is the paw’s pads. These spongy pads are located on the lower part of the dog’s paws, absorbing any pressure and injuries caused by running and standing. The...

An essential part of keeping a dog happy is understanding his happy and excited face as he runs back and forth. But some dogs and their owners don’t experience this pleasure. Hip dysplasia is a problem that many dogs struggle with. A disease that deprives...

Dogs, just like humans, need a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. Proper nutrition plays a vital role in a dog's health and longevity. Gastrointestinal problems and dogs’ diseases are among the most common dogs’ health problems that cause pain, discomfort and more problems. Most of...

Some upsetting and disgusting dogs' habits are like rolling in muddy puddles, eating poop, and when dogs lick their anus. Eating poop is very common in dogs for a variety of reasons. This poop eating has led such dogs owners to seek to sell or...

Anaemia is a complexity that affects a dog's blood. When the red blood cells or haemoglobin in a dog's body decreases, it’s called anaemia. Anaemia isn’t a disease but a complication that results from an illness, trauma, or other problem. Red blood cells are the...

Everyone has heard the phrase, "Calm down, the dog understands your fear." This advice is given to all those who are afraid of dogs. But do dogs understand fear, or is there evidence to support it? Can an aggressive dog be prevented from biting and...