
For the health of dogs, they should be groomed and cleaned regularly. But breeds with shiny, silk coats require more precise cleaning and more professional grooming. These breeds must be carefully considered so that their coats are free of cavities and other problems after cleaning....

Bad breath is a common problem in humans and animals. It is difficult for dog owners to tolerate this foul smell. There are many reasons for this problem, the most important of which is the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. Usually, this bad breath...

Dog food is completely different from humans. Sometimes nutritious and tasty food for humans is dangerous and deadly for dogs. There is a lot of delicious food that is deadly to dogs and causes disease. If you feed your dog any of the following foods,...

This small and medium-sized dog breed is a Nordic dog with a bright white coat, jet black spots on the lips, nose, around the eyes, and upright triangular ears. In the past, the American Eskimo dog was used as a circus dog. But now they...

each dog's breeds have unique coats, with a distinct way of keeping and bathing them. Diseases and problems of each coat are distinctive, too. Some breeds are tough to maintain and groom, which requires a skilled groomer. Groomers identify different issues and types of coats...

Coton De Tulear is a beautiful, happy and unique dog whose breed goes back to Madagascar. The Malagasy aristocracy bred this type of dog and kept it at home. The French tourists then introduced this breed to the rest of Europe and the whole world....

Christmas and new year are lovely holidays for everyone and a good opportunity for a family reunion. Along with the holidays, people can enjoy the Christmas tree and its decorations, food, drinks, music and various guests. But these sweet days can be stressful and anxious...

Most apartment living people like small dogs breeds. So these breeds are increasing quickly. Numbers of apartments according to the high increase in population is growing more and more. Nowadays, keeping dogs is so popular; therefore, small apartment owners are eager to have small dogs,...

There are lots of advertisements for the dogs' food. Different and variety of food with a lot of brands fill the shopping malls shelves. So if you want to buy suitable food for your dog, you must search as much as you can between different...

Dogs are our best friends and can be a member of our family. They eat, play, walk and do all routine work with us; but they can’t talk about their problems. Like a baby, if they are sick, they need your attention. It would help...