
Parvo is the worst nightmare and disease for puppy and dog owners. Within a few days, the disease can make a perfectly healthy and playful puppy sick and weak. Fortunately, this disease is preventable. Therefore, all puppy owners and those in contact with these lovely...

Loss of appetite or anorexia in dogs can indicate various problems, minor stressors, or dangerous illnesses such as depression and cancer. If your dog doesn't eat due to stomach upset or stress, he may start eating the next day again. But the loss of appetite...

Like any other dog, a pregnant dog should be groomed regularly to remove oil, dirt, and skin debris to be fragrant and clean. Pregnant dogs should be thoroughly cleaned before whelping to prepare the breast area for puppy nursing. This dog, like pregnant humans, may...

Grooming is an essential and ongoing process to keep your dog healthy. You may have heard this name thousands of times, but you are unaware of its steps and services, especially in Mishka. We are going to increase your knowledge about the dog grooming package. Different...

Periodontal problems in dogs are a deep and serious problem that is usually much more severe than the symptoms. Because of its danger, you should prevent it from occurring in your dog. 80% of dogs get this disease from the age of 3, which is...

Dogs' health and well-being are directly related to family members' happiness and mood. There are many ways to ensure the health and cleanliness of your dog that you should consider. These include high-quality food, exercise and walking, love, cleanliness and beauty. But the most crucial...

Your dog is always licking and scratching himself, and his coat is flaking and losing hair. Mange in dogs is a skin disease caused by tiny mites, foreign parasites and other causes. Some mange may be present naturally in your dog's skin and hair follicles....

Are you looking for a good and attractive treat for your little dog? Each dog's treat is different, and small breeds such as Jack Russell or Yorkie can't use large Danish or Labrador breeds' treats. Your dog's mouth may be smaller than other breeds and...

Puppies are one of the most minor and most lovable creatures on the planet. At the same time, they can be the most destructive and annoying! Sharp claws, clenched teeth, curious noses, small bladders, and a complete lack of urinary incontinence can destroy all the...

When you first decide to take care of a dog, they have no name. When you hug them, they don't respond to your chosen name and don't react. But over time, they learn different things and react to your voice and their name. Choosing a...