Choosing a Suitable Dog Crate

If you keep a dog, you must first buy the dog supplies such as the dog crate. Its selection should be appropriate to the size, body and weight of the dog to work well. On the other hand, the sleeping place should be completely comfortable and pleasant for the dog; Because the dog is supposed to sleep and rest there for many hours of the day. In this article, we will talk specifically about a dog crate, and we will provide you with all the necessary information about choosing, buying, sizing, and so on.

What is the use of a dog crate?

You may be one of those people who like their dogs always to be free, and the dog crate seems unnecessary to you; But if you know how much buying the right crate will help you in training and caring for your pet dog, you won’t doubt buying it. In general, the dog crate has these uses:

  • For transporting and moving dogs (travel, visit the vet and…)
  • To keep the dog for a while, you don’t care
  • To teach puppies to go to the bathroom
  • As a haven for stressed dogs that are new to the environment.

But the dog fence is a place for dogs to play and keep for a limited time (for example, times of the day when you are doing a certain job).

Right crate size for dogs

The right crate for your dog should have enough space to sit, lie down and move. When your dog is standing, there should be a few inches to the roof of the crate to keep the dog comfortable. Otherwise, being inside the crate will be like being imprisoned, and the dog will escape from it. “Choose a size that suits your dog; Don’t choose crates that are too small or too large!

To get the right size for your dog, measure the dog’s height. Then add 5 cm for small and 10 cm for large dogs. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with buying a crate with a few centimetres larger dimensions; But never buy a too big crate! If the crate is too big and the dog can easily move inside, the dog may know it as its own home and pee in one corner and sleep in another!

Types of dog crates

If you want to buy a dog crate, you will come across different materials; But which is better and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? In general, there are 4 types of dog crates.

Metal dog crate and cage

  1. Pet dog cages are available in different models and at different prices; But high-quality metal dog cages are usually expensive.
  2. Many of these crates have the ability to shorten or grow. They’re suitable for puppies that grow quickly.
  3. These strong crates are made of good material and are suitable for large and energetic dogs.
  4. Inexpensive metal crates are usually weak, and the doors and corners of the crate may open under the dog’s pressure.
  5. A metal cage isn’t good for puppies with separation anxiety; Because they look around and realize that they’re alone.
  6. If you live in a hot and humid climate, these crates are more suitable because of the air conditioning.

Plastic crate

  1. The plastic crate is lighter and a better option for transporting dogs and travelling. But can also be used as a dog storage crate at home.
  2. Plastic crates have softer walls but are usually smaller than metal crates and may have metal doors.
  3. Crates with a smooth wall without holes are suitable for anxious and stressed dogs because they can’t see around. These crates are also suitable for travelling.
  4. Of course, small plastic crates shouldn’t be used as training crates at home. To teach different instructions to the puppy, such as toilet training, it’s better to use large crates, also known as dog fences. You can change their size too.
  5. Most standard crates for flying and air travelling are plastic

Soft and fabric crate (bag, backpack)

  1. If you have a small dog, you may want to use a bag or backpack to move around. Of course, these bags are used only for transporting dogs and shouldn’t be used at home.
  2. On the other hand, if you have a very energetic and naughty dog, it’s a little difficult to control him in the bag. Backpacks are also available in different types and models, and some of them allow dogs to watch outside.
  3. These crates are very light, take up little space, and you can easily fold them when you don’t need them.
  4. If you buy this box model, you still need a plastic or metal box to train and keep your dog at home. 

A decorative and wooden crate

A decorative dog crate is actually a part of home furniture. You can set its material and colour with home decor. Exquisite and stylish wooden or bamboo wicker crates give a special beauty to the house. The box can be used as a table, somewhere to put a vase, etc. Of course, this type of box is suitable for quiet dogs because naughty dogs may enjoy chewing wood and ruin it.

The crat is one of the training methods for puppies or large dogs. It’s used when you aren’t able to keep your pet full time. Since dogs won’t urinate in their bed, by being in the box, they try to maintain this desire and keep their toilet. Mishka’s specialized team with a professional and experienced team will help you in grooming, cleaning and training your beloved dogs so that you can play and work with them happily and healthily.

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