Common Skin Diseases in Dogs – Symptoms and Treatment (part 1)

Skin problems and diseases are widespread in dogs and pets; These diseases are prevalent in dogs that go out every day and walk outdoors. Of course, if you know how to prevent and care for your dog, you can prevent many of these diseases. So in this article, we want to introduce you to the most important skin diseases in dogs and explain the symptoms, ways of transmission and treatment. So stay tuned.

Features of a healthy dog’s skin

It’s our duty as dog owners to examine the dog’s skin and hair for disease constantly. ‎Check different areas; if you notice any abnormal symptoms, take your dog to the veterinarian quickly. Healthy and natural dog skin should be pink or black depending on the pigment of the breed and the appearance of the dog. It should be free of scars, scabs, inflammation and skin rashes, and the dog naturally scratches itself sometimes and no more.

If part of the dog’s skin is hotter than the rest, it could be a sign of inflammation or skin disease. Dog hair should be shiny and clear. You shouldn’t be able to lose them by pulling the hair easily. There should also be no signs of localized baldness or excessive hair loss in him. Dog shedding occurs all year round. In some seasons, such as spring and autumn, they have more shedding. Some dog breeds have more hair loss than others. But it would help if you discussed any abnormal or severe shedding with your veterinarian.

Symptoms of skin diseases in dogs

Itchy skin is one of the first and most visible signs of skin diseases in dogs. Of course, it isn’t possible to determine exactly the type of skin disease without consulting a veterinarian. Still, you should be careful with your dog and take him to a veterinarian if you notice these symptoms. However, like us humans, dogs sometimes scratch their bodies, and this behaviour is completely normal. But if you see that your dog is scratching his ears, head, tail or anywhere on his body too much, then you should check him for skin diseases. In addition to itching, skin diseases in dogs have other symptoms, the most important of which are:

  • Skin wounds
  • skin dryness
  • skin rash
  • lumps and bumps on the skin
  • Redness of the skin
  • Dandruff and scabs
  • Abnormal and localized shedding
  • bites and stings
  • insects such as fleas and ticks on the skin or in the hair follicles

Preventing skin diseases in the dogs

It’s necessary to check the dog’s coat regularly and take him to the veterinarian if you notice any of the above symptoms. Also, every time you go out with your dog, check the skin, the hair and the dog’s ears for various insects and parasites. Veterinarians emphasize regular and daily brushing of dogs, even short-haired dogs. Because you can notice any signs of skin diseases in the dog as soon as possible and seek treatment while brushing, you can examine the entire skin and take your dog to the vet if you notice any abnormal symptoms.

Most dogs scratch themselves more after eating and during certain seasons, especially in the spring, which is usually a sign of seasonal allergies. In short, the more you pay attention to your dog, the sooner you can notice the disease, and you can help your dog get better by giving a more accurate history.  

The most important skin diseases in dogs

Most dogs’ skin diseases and problems are due to allergic reactions, various parasites, and infectious diseases such as bacterial and fungal infections. Some of these diseases can be transmitted to humans. So it’s necessary to take the necessary care. Here are 10 of the most common skin diseases in dogs and how to treat them.

Impetigo or jaundice

Impetigo is a contagious skin disease that is more common in puppies. The disease is seen as small blisters on the skin, especially in the abdomen. These blisters may burst and cause further spread of infection, pain and itching in the puppy.


Treatment of impetigo or jaundice in dogs is usually done with antibiotics and rinsing by a veterinarian.

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