Diabetes In Dogs – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention And Treatment (Part 3)

In the first and second parts, we explained diabetes in dogs and different types in various breeds. Dogs get the disease for a variety of reasons, and their symptoms are other. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential and should be done as soon as possible. In this part, we will describe the ways of prevention and recovery of diabetes in dogs.

Diabetes prevention

Unfortunately, diabetes in dogs isn’t always preventable. Some dogs still develop diabetes despite the care they receive. But you can manage these conditions or reduce the severity of symptoms with the help of the following six tips.

Regular checkups

Some diseases, such as pancreatitis, can increase a dog’s risk of developing diabetes. Follow your veterinarian’s advice for regular checkups and blood tests. If you notice a change in your dog’s behaviour, appetite, thirst, or urination, make sure these aren’t a sign of a bigger problem.

Sterilize the female animal

Female dogs may have more diabetes than male dogs. After the dog is born or the cycle is completed, their progesterone increases. Hormonal fluctuations can increase the risk of disease. Sterilizing a female dog can also increase the risk of developing other conditions associated with high progesterone levels. Urinary tract infections are sometimes associated with high blood sugar.

Keep your dog active.

Exercise plays a vital role in preventing diabetes, managing blood sugar and weight loss. Dogs need exercise to burn the calories they receive. Take your dog for a walk at least once a day. How far you travel depends on the dog’s age and health or the weather. Try not to go out too much in hot weather. A healthy dog ​​can walk longer distances. The dog owner may get tired sooner than the dog.

Buy high-quality food

You need to make sure your dog has a high protein diet. It causes blood sugar levels more stable than a simple carbohydrate diet. Most high-quality foods aren’t too expensive, but many influential brands provide good quality nutrients.

Don’t feed your dog too much.

Weight control can be an essential part of managing the disease in diabetic dogs. Of course, obesity is also associated with a wide range of other physical ailments. That’s why a dog’s proper nutrition is vital. Dogs should get 20 to 30 calories per pound of bodyweight every day. It also depends on the dog’s size and level of activity. Avoid giving too much food to dogs. If you don’t have the right plan for your dog, you will have problems.

Don’t forget fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great snack or meal for dogs and don’t burn too many calories. Natural sugars in fruits and vegetables don’t raise blood sugar. Try to include cooked vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and other ingredients in their diet. These ingredients increase the food’s fibre and can help regulate blood sugar. Be sure to consult your veterinarian before adding fruits or vegetables or making any significant changes to your dog’s diet.


A critical point in treating high blood sugar in dogs is to follow all the veterinarian’s instructions. How long the treatment lasts depends entirely on the cause of the blood sugar and the veterinarian’s diagnosis. Most treatments for diabetes mellitus include insulin injections (twice a day) and a special diet. In this diet, eating sugary foods is limited, and eating foods high in protein, high in fibre, low in fat and low in carbohydrates is more common.

Your veterinarian will constantly monitor your dog’s blood glucose level to ensure the prescribed insulin level is correct. Talk to your veterinarian about how much activity your dog needs, and try to balance your dog’s weight with proper nutrition and exercise.

In addition to dietary instructions, follow your veterinarian’s advice and instructions. In diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, and hyperadrenocorticism, the doctor must examine the dog repeatedly to monitor the process of treatment and recovery, know the side effects of drugs, and control them.

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