Different Facts about Bichon Frise (part 1)

The Bichon Frise is a fluffy, attractive dog that is very popular among everyone. This dog is brilliant, kind, extroverted, active and full of energy. Bichon Frise is very sociable breed and enjoys hanging out with people. Happy and calm, he doesn’t bark a lot, and life is easy with him. In fact, this dog is versatile. So stay tuned for the rest of this article and learn about his appearance, behavioural characteristics, nutrition and how to maintain him. 

Bichon Frise appearance 

This beautiful fluffy white dog has a rectangular body and a well-proportioned head. Bichon Frise, with curly white hair, a long arched neck, dark round eyes that sparkle with mischief and playfulness, a tail that bends beautifully over his waist, and a head that he always keeps with pride and self-confidence, are among the most attractive and lovable dog breed. The height of this dog is between 20 to 30 cm and weighs 3 to 5.5 kg. This dog lives between 12 and 15 years.

Types of Bichon breeds

Bichon Frise’s great resemblance to his own family has made everyone think that they’re of different types. In fact, the bichon frise is apparently the same family as the Maltese, Löwchen, Bolognese, Havanese and Coton de Tuléar dogs. ‌‌Because of this similarity, they’re confused with each other.

Behavioural characteristics of Bichon Frise 

Bichon Frise is an intelligent, loving and lively dog. He’s friendly and loves activity, jumping and playing. He has an independent personality. When you take him everywhere with yourself, he’s happier. This dog loves to be loved and enjoys being the center of attention. He has the skill to attract everyone with his power and personality؛ this isn’t surprising since the monarchy previously praised him. Spanish sailors originally kept the dog. But in the 16th century, he came to the attention of the French aristocracy. This breed is used to play in the circus and also as a show dog.

He’s a real companion that you can take anywhere without any problems. This dog doesn’t bark nervously and a lot. He’s very social and friendly with people. As long as he gets enough attention, the dog will be painless. He’s so dependent on his owner. So if he’s left alone, he usually suffers from separation anxiety.

This breed demands excessive love. Loneliness or neglect can lead him to insane confusion. He even finds a destructive character and tears everything. So these dog owners must prepare themselves for a full-time responsibility and give him a lot of love.

Bichon Frise training

This little dog is easy to train. But you shouldn’t expect him to be great from birth. He’s very teachable and has to learn his place in the family. Bichon Frise is brilliant and shrewd. To be a good friend and companion for you, you must teach him to obey you.

Communicating with others

This dog has a small body, but you shouldn’t think that you have to take care of him too much; Because it makes your dog shy. So only take care of him when necessary and teach him to be confident in dealing with people and other animals.

Vigilance and curiosity have made this dog a good little guard. But he isn’t a fighting dog. He thinks that there are no strangers and everyone is his friend; Even those who have never seen them. Confidence, intimacy and compact size have made this breed a popular dog for everyone.

This breed is a good friend for children. Because he has a lot of tolerance for noise when playing with children and enjoys it. Of course, you need to be supervised when accompanying children.

The Bichon Frise gets along well with other pets, such as cats. He enjoys playing and interacting with other dogs. But he must be sure that his owner pays enough attention to him. 


This little dog needs high-quality and proper food to be healthy. Whether this food is produced at home or in the factory; It’s important that its quality is controlled and approved by a veterinarian. In addition, pay attention to your dog’s weight too. The amount of food and the number of meals should be appropriate for his age.

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