Different Facts about Bichon Frise (part 2)

In the first part, we explained the behavioural and physical characteristics of Bichon Frise and named 5 other breeds that are very similar in appearance to Bichon Fries. This intelligent dog is trained very quickly. He doesn’t like to be alone and ignored, and he soon gets along with other pets and children. The dog should be fed with quality and appropriate food so that it doesn’t gain weight. The amount of food and the number of meals should be commensurate with his age. In this section, we will explain how to groom this beautiful dog.

Grooming Bichon Frise 

Keeping this dog in the apartment is convenient, but the house should be large enough to do his daily activities and sports. Bichon Frise is lively and active in the house and doesn’t need yard space. Bichon Frise has a two-layer coat whose inner layer is smooth and dense. The outer layer is also curly and thick to regulate body temperature. These two layers need constant and careful care to avoid knots and dandruff. Therefore, their coats should be checked every four weeks and shortened to remove any mat and knots. In addition to this monthly check-up, brush your dog every day to prevent skin problems and severe discomfort. Bichon Frise cleaning is difficult and time-consuming, so you need to ask a professional groomer to help you.


It would help if you brushed your Bichon daily. But it’s also necessary to do it before the bath. Because water hardens the fur mat and makes it difficult to brush, you can use a slicker brush to do this.

Taking a bath

To completely clean Bichon Frise, wash from head to toe with warm water and a suitable shampoo. Let the shampoo stay on for a while to lighten the coat or remove stains on the toes and around the eyes. Bichon has sensitive skin, so you should choose a natural or breed shampoo and don’t bathe your dog too much because it destroys the essential oils of the coat and their skin.


Dry the Bichon Frise gently with a towel to remove moisture. Then, with a slicker brush, pull from the shoulders to the toes, under the eyes to the bottom of the snout and back from the top of the head. Finally, blow-dry your dog with a low temperature. Then brush his fur again.

Shortening the coat

Bichon frise breeds have thick fur, so you should choose quality clippers that shorten them without tangling or pulling the hair. If your dog is nervous, choose quiet clippers so as not to disturb their calm. Scissors are also a good tool for shortening the coat of this breed, but the clipper will be much more useful. Don’t forget to cut the hair around your dog’s eyes so that they have better visibility and prevent possible infection.

Clearing tear stains

The corners of the eyes and the ears also need to be trimmed and cleaned regularly. The best way to get rid of Bichon Frise eye spots is to use baking soda paste. To make the paste, mix the baking soda with a few drops of water and rub it around the eyes with a cotton ball. Then let the paste stay around the eyes for an hour or more.

The red spots on the eyes of this breed are caused by a pH imbalance that causes spots. By adding a teaspoon of white vinegar to your dog’s water, you can change his pH level and reduce the severity of stains. This treatment is a safe, natural way to keep your dog’s eyes clean.

This dog is prone to ear diseases, skin, watery eyes and allergies. They may get skin diseases and allergies very soon, so it’s essential to take care of and clean them.

Now you are more familiar with the Bichon Frise dog, and you can distinguish this breed from other breeds. You also know the characteristics of this breed and how to maintain and live with him. If grooming this beautiful and smart breed is difficult for you, you can count on our professional groomers in MishkaGrooming. Our team keeps your dogs beautiful and healthy with great care and interest so that you can enjoy being with them more than before.




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